Well it looks like you are finally on your way home. The updates are great and it looks like you have had a fantastic look around. Some of those places looked so hot you should be coming back with a great tan. Its raining here today, but has been very mild weather. Have fun in New York and we will catch up when are back in the good old NZ.
Take care
Hi Haylee
Thanks for updates! Message from Nancy, please check your emails. Take Care!
Dosn't sound like the best place for the van to break down, hope you get it running again soon. i have been wondering how you were coping with the bird population over there i recall from our trip there is plenty of them. Could do with some of the nice weather you talk about getting ready for a good dumping of snow over here but the ski fields could do with some fresh snow. House full of skiers at the moment so keeping me pretty busy. Then it will be of to the coast white baiting again. looking forward to catching up when you return. Take care Polly & Russ
Hi you 2 we just got home from spending kylie's inheritance got the impression she dosn't like the way were spending it. hehe. It was pretty fun when whitebait were running that didn't happen much tho it was real bad season up there but bloody pleased to be home. 2 months living in the caravan and tent and wearing hats and wet weather gear soon wears offff (worse than lambing.) I guess kye told you about the scare Russ gave us but he good now just needed a gud kick up arse and told to slow down. Sounds like and looks like u 2 are having a ball, have fun and keep us posted, miss you and your anticks. Take care love Polly & Russ
Hi Haylee
Sounds and looks like you two are having a fantastic time. Just gone through your last two updates and I am soooo jealous, maybe we will have to wait till the kids leave home and then do our tour, think it might be slightly different than yours though. Lambing is in full swing now so everyone is very busy, last couple of days haven't been that flash but hey that typical of lambing season. Hope your job etc is still going well. Better go, will flick through an email later next week
Take care
Hey, sounds like you guys are having an awesome time! Dave and I are hoping to make it over there, eventually. It's just starting to warm up over here so we've been making aa few trips to the beach with Max and he's loving it. Anyways good to hear from you. Alice x
Hey travelors! Very nice snaps, like Kye said.. I would do almost anything for some of that heat and sunshine. Guess what, I bought a house! Absolutely stoked, it's on Mary st in Winton, going to work from home. Such a ggod spot, close to the squash courts, pubs, rugby grounds. Not much else to report, really busy with work, got a squash tournament this weekend, Fathers Day Sunday (Paul i'll put your name on the card with the schorced almonds), away to Taupo next weekend for race, watched the stags last night at rugby park, we drew 15 each because southland missed 12 points due to not having a good kicker. Thats about it, stay cool, literally. Love Amz xo
Not very jealous!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its only snowing and hailing here at the moment haha. Man Greece looked nice - looked hot, i miss heat lol.
WOW!! So jealous - wish iz still over there travelling. Random stray dog photos haha. Missing yas. xx
Just looked at ur ACDC photos - sooo excited. Sux that ive got to wait like 6 months for it tho haha. Miss ya xox
Hi guys looks like you having a good look round sounds abit scary you driving in such a big town. Starting to get some nice warm days in Hawea think spring is just round the corner ( I hope i'm over winter ) House is full of skiers all really nice kids tho which is better than the little s***s down the road they should all have been sent back to USA. Take care Polly & Russ
Hi team, just wasted the first part of my morning looking at your photos, looks like your having a blast and making the most of all the free sights. Hope works going well Haylee and the weathers on the improve for ya Paul. Moved into my new flat nearly 2 weeks ago now, going really well, love it. Good living in town, can sleep in longer, get losts of visitors and there seems to be heaps on at the moment so no chance to get bored. I'm off to Te Anua this weekend for a squash tourny, should be heaps of fun, theres a social night on Sat, theme Hippies so I've got this pretty floral dress lined up. Then Sun night Sheree and I are going to a David Bayne party. Bad taste I know but oh well, so have to find a big bright wooly jumper for that.. or maybe a lawyer/judges outfit? Hope the rest of your week goes well, take care, AMY