Am worn out just reading about all your antics!!!
Lesley Gaitch
Sounds like you're going to have to spend the next 6 months detoxing!!!
Mum xxxx
Heather Richardson
How lovely to see the swallows in the waterfall. It all sounds so beautiful. -I would have loved to see that. It's lovely to read the blog-feels as though you are really telling it as it is!
Mum xx
Sao Paulo sounds great. You should have called your blog "have-cheese-will-travel' xxx
Heather Richardson
Sounds amazing! How are you doing, girls?
Lots of love, Mum+Matt xx
Lesley Gaitch
All sounds amazing. Looking forward to seeing some photos. Lots of love from Mum xxx
Stuart Dutton
All sounds fantastic so far. Admittedly very jealous - take lots of photos. I loved my hosteling days, don't miss the 18 bedroom dorms though!! Enjoy x
Ron Knott
Great news, looking forward to the next message.