Kathy's latest entry
Singapore, Singapore
Singapore was my final destination; I was only in the city for 2 days, most of which I spent shopping! Primarily I was buying presents but I couldn't pass up the opportuinty of getting cheap electronic goods, and so bought myself a netbook. I was lucky to have stumbled across a huge electronics fair with all the major brands launching their…
Ryan Haha old pic . Good times back then
re: grumpy Chrisbill hills love the rostrevor homestead i am resherching my grand mother an fathers history . the picked here from the 1930.s till 50's plus early 60,s, I called in 4/2/2015 whilest passing bye on route to bright. i had a chat to a lovely helpful office lady , who said that you have tours of your farm ,if so could i be notified to join in . my kindest regards......... bill hills
re: the old farm house, now the officeem where's his machete?
re: grumpy ChrisA N.Tentaculata
re: tiny pitcher plantA n.edwardsiana
re: more pitcher plantsA Pink lady / pink maiden
re: photo from 17 September 2009Michael I have to agree. The Great Ocean Road is simply stunning! It's our favorite place in the whole world!
re: Great Ocean Road, Victoria