I am not entirely sure what the purpose or content of this blog will be. However, I will try my utmost to limit the amount of factual "we just ate breakfast" type of entries.
That being said, we just did eat breakfast. And checked in. Not in that order.
Airports are places filled with a dichotomy of emotions constantly battling for supremecy to capture the hearts of its inhabitants. The buoyant joy and exhilaration of travel is constantly weighed down by the thoughts of what those about to embark on their journies may be leaving behind.
The tears and embraces both welcome and see off loved ones. Those arriving thankful for their safe journey, those departing praying for the same. One cannot help but be sucked in by the concrete emotion invoker that is an airport.
Next blog will be an in depth analysis of the airplane meal.
- comments
Ali hahaha fantastic. expecting plenty more!!!
Faheem Khan Classic. Look forward to more!!
Zainab Nice intro!
Tayyaba This is gripping stuff .... (",)