Hi Possum, We saw your latest Blog and photo's they were terrific. so keep enjoying everything and do take care.
We love you.
Grandma and Pappa XXOX
Hi,we read, your news,looked at your album & slideshow re your trip up to the San Diego Zoo. FABULOUS !! Your mum said you have sent more , but OLD DO DO (as she calls me) hasn't been able to bring it up as yet. Keep safe & enjoying yourself to the utmost. Our love & thoughts are with you.Grandma & Pappa xxox
PS Did you get our email ?
HaHa its soo appropriate you got to see a whale in San Diego. After all you know what San Diego means!......
Wow.. you're actualy out there how exciting! You missed your first gnw tonight, luckily for you it was totaly crap! and Clair now has a rubish puppy-dog hair-do:( none of my news is so great so i'll comment again when i have something nice to say!
ps: yeah im a lil drunk and yeah its monday night here:(