Well 3 plane rides later and i am finally in america! it was such a long plane ride and thankfully i didnt have stupid ppl sitting next to me. i had a really nice lady from new york telling me all the good places to go and stuff. which most of them were on my list anyways. when i got into denver my bags suddenly didnt appear on the belt where they came up. so i kinda was like umm wheres my bag....and shannon said they prolly put it on the wrong plane! well they did but luckly they knew where it was and it was on the other plane that was coming into denver thank god! im so lucky it didnt end up in mexico or even on a flight back home! so they finally sent out my bags too me that night. and yes the plane food wasnt the greatest but hey im not gonna pass up eating it. its a long time to go without food!
i just got back from lori and ambers place who are shannons friends. really nice ppl. each sunday night they take it in turns to host a football sunday day. where they serve up lotsa food and stuff and watch the game. and yeah they are really into their football here. really passionate and vocal. it was a crackup to watch :)
well im gonna go and watch some tv before i go to bed. its nice to not have to watch reruns of everything on cable! everything here is up to date! :)
talk to you all soon
Nic. :)
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