Hi jack
Miss you too, seems strange not to hear your dulcet tones on the phone. Don't forget to try the snails. And smiling in photos won't hurt you. Lol
Love mum .gary (aka dad) and the gang
Ps have a trifle with your name on it yum
Mrs Middleton
Dear Year 10s and Miss Brady, Mrs Hardman, Mrs Carter and Mrs Lee- it sounds/ looks like you are having a wonderful time. School is very quiet without you.
Enjoy the rest of your stay and have a safe journey back.
Karen Younger
Hi Jamie
Looks like you are all having a fab time. You finally made it into some of the pics, you should try smiling in them! It looks cold there, hope you are keeping warm and happy. Enjoy your evening and have fun ordering your food tomorrow, remember to stay away from anything with "fromage"
Love and miss you lots
Mum, Paul and Hollie xxxx
Madeleine Harman
hi Daniel, , miss u lots, mum x
Mormor, Morfar And Molly
Hi Daniel
Hope you're having a lovely trip in France with nice food and fun experiences. You have to tell us all about it when you visit us in May.
Lots of love from
Mormor, Morfar and cousin Molly in Sweden xxx
Mark Morris
Hi Lara, Mum and Dad hope that you are having a lovely time in France. We look forward to seeing you on Friday night. Have fun with your friends in Hardelot. All our love, Mum and Dad xxxxxx
Salkeld Famille
Hi Amy - sounds great all the activities although sorry that the bed is a bit noisy after the broken springs but hope it hasn't stopped you sleeping !! Archie has just come into the room with a plastic bottle in his mouth and he asked me to say " Bon Soir" to you !! Hope you have a good evening and enjoy your day tomorrow. We all send you lots and lots of love and miss you very much - Mum, Dad, Oliver, Ruby and Archie ( By the way...Simom has called his new dog Bertie !!!) xxxxx
Mrs Clark
Hi year 10s and Mrs Hardman, Carter, Lee and Brady
Looks like you are all having an amazing time, I love looking at all the photos. Good luck tomorrow ordering your food in French. I hope you all get the right meal and not some crazy French dish.......
Can't believe you only have 2 days left out there, it's going so fast., make the most of it and enjoy every moment.
See you all soon.
Mrs Clark
Mrs Carter
Bonjour Year 11! We had another busy day! Tis afternoon we visited museum D'Etampe. They had an exhibition on war engravings. We made our own pictures tracing over some war scenes. We tried snails and some of the boys loved them and ate loads! I wasn't too keen, nit a good texture. Feeling tired now. Hope your English mock went well. See you Monday. Mrs. C
Hey Mum and Dad. I am having a good time. We went to the WW2 museum which was quite interesting. we also went to the seaside where this famous artist did his drawing. We also went to a printing museum where we made a print sheet that was to do with the war. I am going to play with my friends tonight. Good night. Lots of love from Jamie xx
Madame Makin
PS. Apologies to all the Year 10s for the delay in sending out today's "phrase du jour" but Annual Review reports had to be written this morning :-O
Because I am so late with this evening's message, here is an extra phrase:
Phrase du soir 2: "Désolé(e)!" (Sorry!)
Bonjour Emma ( Jane)
How are you? I miss you . I wish you were here. Oh and I tried two snails. I felt sick!
Lots of love