Harald and Sylvie's Excellent Adventure
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Shanghai, China

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Shanghai, China

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Hanoi, Vietnam

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Hanoi, Vietnam

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Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Nanang One, they got the wrong property. Two, they ilagellly entered a private residence and burglarized it. Three, they stole the property by locking it down. Four, they harassed the owner by denying him access to his own house which they are involved in absolutely no business with. Five, they would not admit their wrongdoing (the employees admitted it, but important people in the company tried to dismiss it by looking up the address they were suppose to go to and claiming they found nothing instead of looking at their own company's actions). Six, they will not make up for their mistake to the person whom they harassed and robbed. Seven, they most likely mismanaged the handling of his possessions as well and lost or trashed it all, which means they destroyed their own capacity to reimburse him for their error. So many mistakes all from this one company. So many crimes.
re: SantiagoMohit Je ne sais pas si cette partie du vagoye aurait e9te9 physiquement supportable pour moi, mais en tous cas merci d'y eatre alle9s ce qui m'a de de9couvrir des paysages incroyables. Quel de9paysement!!! Pour le quinoa, je savais que les locaux ne pouvaient pas en acheter du fait du prix actuel. Je trouve cela particulie8rement injuste et je ne comprends pas qu'il n'y ait pas une partie qui soit re9serve9e aux habitants e0 un prix accessibles. Quel monde!!!
re: Salar de UyuniAlezandra XforbiddensecretsXHey, I was wondering if you think this might be a good procudt to help cover up a birthmark. I have a birthmark on my cheek, it is a port wine stain so it is kind of dark and right now I feel like I am putting so much over the area to cover it and if I could limit it to foundation and one concealer that would be great! I was wondering if you think this might do the trick for me? Thank you so much, loved this review! =]
re: Santiago, ChileWarren we did not make it to the salt flats of Bolivia, but did see Salinas Grandes in Salta Province, South America (2nd largest after Bolivia). It is hard to desircbe the utter, stark beauty, but your photos do a great job!! Good work.Aloha, Mikie
re: Salar de UyuniAiki the Lord will not give you more than you can handle and that He will alayws provide a way out for you. I am also reminded of something my old Anthropology prof. told me after I found out he was retiring and I expressed how much I hated goodbyes He said, Oh, no you don't ever have to say good-bye. The people who have left the greatest impression on your life will stay in your soul forever! .comfort and peace to you.
re: Potosi, BoliviaPsalm It was pretty aminzag! We also were lucky to have hired a great guide that approached us when we first got to the site. (I'm kicking myself because I can't remember his name I think it was Peter, or something like that). He knew a ton about the area and the culture since he had studied it in college, and he carried a flute, that he had carved, and throughout our two hour hike he'd play traditional music at various points when he wasn't lecturing. It was a perfect day!By the way, I just came across your website on the recommendation of Dani from . I can't wait to spend some time this weekend reading more. I'm so jealous that you guys have the opportunity to live and work on the road like that!
re: Cusco, PeruBouchra Jamais de ma vie on ne m'enfermera la-dedans!!!! au secouuuurs! bises énormes à vous deux!!!
re: Hong KongHeiko Hey Sylvie and Harald! Really your trip still seems like a dream... the best of your photos I could see is really excellent. You will have to find a huge house in France to put all these photos at the walls...
re: Phnom Penh, Cambodia- last visited

- travel plan
- London, UK
- Quito, Ecuador
- Cusco, Peru
- Rurrenabaque, Bolivia
- San Pedro De Atacama, Chile
- Buenos Aires, Argentina
- El Calafate, Argentina
- Santiago, Chile
- Auckland, New Zealand
- Queenstown, New Zealand
- Sydney, New South Wales
- Noumã©A, New Caledonia
- Adelaide, South Australia
- Melbourne, Victoria
- Hong Kong Island, Hong Kong
- Hanoi, Vietnam
- Shanghai, China
- Tokyo, Japan
- London, UK
Heiko Hey Sylvie and Harald! Really your trip still seems like a dream... the best of your photos I could see is really excellent. You will have to find a huge house in France to put all these photos at the walls...
Frankjan I want têt too! Damn you people and you têts........