Our last morning in boston - and only one thing left to do - Paul reveres house. It's the oldest building in boston, built in 1680, but Paul did not live there until 90 years later. The two rooms on the ground floor are devoted to the original era of the building, with a rustic kitchen hearth, and formal furniture in the sitting room. Upstairs is a bedroom parlor from Paul's era, and another bedroom which would have been occupied by his kids. In his time their would have been another level to the house with two more rooms for the kids. Interesting. There are some relics from his silversmithing and bell making days.
All there was left to do in boston was to check out of the hotel and catch the train back to New York. It's been great to have Internet access on the train, got a lot of things done. We got back late into scarsdale so we just grabbed some local Thai for dinner and called it a night.
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