Hey All!!
Made it safely to Darwin - lots of flights and time spent in airports but eventually made it! Arrived really early in the morning so spent most of the day before my tour started just catching up on sleep and doing a bit of washing! Met my tour grouop at 6:30am on the tuesday, there's 10 of us for the first 5 days, so is a nice small group. There's 8 girls and 2 guys and we are all getting on really well which is noce. A lot are just doing shorter tours though and only 4 of us are staying on to do the full 25 days.
First day we went into Kakadu National Park and went on a river cruise to go and find some crocodiles. We saw a few on the side and were told that there were so more in the water that we couldn't see, we wern't allowed to stand up on the boat because if we fell in we would be lunch!! Next we went to see the rock art. They were really good (a lot better than the Bushmen rock paintings in Namibia!) and it was really interesting to hear all the aboriginal stories behind them all. Also climbed up some rocks to look out at where part of crocodile dundee was filmed.
Next day we went to see more of Kakadu National Park and do a bit of swimming, First place we had to climb up quite high but it was so worth it - there were about 3 pools we could swim in and little waterfalls! Was lush!! When we came down we had a lunch of buffalo burgers which were very yummy!! In the afternoon we went into Nitmiluk National Park to Edith Falls. There were 2 pools, one at the top and one at the bottom and we decided to go to the top ones. had a nice swim, sat under the waterfall (which was harder than it looked) and a bit of a sunbath! Nice and relaxing!
Day 3 we went to katherine and canoed down Katherine Gorge. It was really nice and there wern't many other people around because we got there really early. Once we had been canoeing for a while we noticed little beaches on the side with warning signs saying crocodile nesting areas!!! Slightly concerning, especially when we saw a crocodile trap with meat hanging in the back of the cage as bait!!! :S Next stop was to do a bit of aboriginal art. We were welcomed with an aboriginal who played us music and told us stories of his past. We were learning the cross hatch style and it was a lot harder than it looked!! We spent a couple of hours there, finishing off our masterpieces!! lol!!! After lunch we went back to Edith Falls where we went to the lower pool. This one was massive and was quite a swim to the waterfall where we climbed up the rocks to jump off fairly high. Was good fun!! The water was a bit cold but was a nice contrast to the sweltering heat outside!! That night we stayed at a homestead int he house - nice to be out of tents!! We had a bbq for tea and got to sample some crocodile and kangaroo!!!
Next day we went into Litchfield National Park and went to loads of waterfalls which were really nice. The first 2 were the best because they were fairly quiet. The last one was really nice and had the biggest falls but was so busy!! Had a bit of an accident and slipped over on a rock whilst I was holding my camera and managed to crack the screen!!! Think it still takes pictures but I have no idea of what!! Luckily we were going back to Darwin that afternoon so could go and have a hunt for a new one. We went out for dinner that night and for a few drinks which was nice.
Next stop is flying down to Alice Springs tomorrow!!
Keep all the messages coming!!!
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