Still having a great time. Sandboarding in Swakopmund was so much fun!! Were given helmets, gloves and elbow pads, a wooden board and slided down the dunes head first!! Wooo!! We did about 8 in total and I had one crash where I came off the board and ended up rolling down the sand dune one way and my board flipped up and spun off the other way!! Escaped without injuries though!! My favourite run was one of the last and biggest one - at points I was actually airborn and going at 75 km/h!!! So much fun!! Only downside was that we got so covered in sand - I think I am still finding bits in my ears, even after many many showers!! lol!!
Next we went on to Spitzkoppe where we bush camped at the base of the Spitzkoppe mountains!! The first afternoon there we went up to the Bushmans Paradise to see the Bushmen paintings in the rocks - it wa nice to hear the stories but they wer all quite faded! the next day some of decided to try and climb the mountain. We were told it was a hard hike but really it was proper rock climbing! the whole way up was big bolders and we had to pull ourselves up on them and jump big gaps - all a bit dodgy but we survived!! We didn't make it all the way to the top but were close and found out the next day that only 2 people recently had made it to the top and they were from the army!! Inthe afternoon we went down to the village to see the school. This kids were so cute and came running up to us and wanted to play, give us hugs and have their pictures taken! I have never had so many little arms grabbing hold of me!! We met the village chiefs wife and then went to the local bar where a lot of the locals were quite drunk and partying hard even though it was only 5pm!!
Next was on to Etosha for a couple of game drives. The game drives were good but the best part was our camp which was by a flood lit water hole and when sitting by it aat night we saw zebra, elephants, giraffes and rhinos coming to drink!! Was amazing how close we were to them!!
Yesterday we bush camped with the bushmen and had similar experiences with the local kids wanting to come and play!! Was good fun!! Now on our way up to the Okavango Delta which I'm really looking forward to!! :)
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