Hello again! This is just a brief message before I go for tea. Today has been action packed and also very warm compared to yesterday although it's bareable heat which is nice! Last night we went out to an American bar (obviously not to drink!) but it was so much fun, there was a juke box and it had lots of country so I selected a Big&Rich song and everyone was dancing to it haha it seemed so strange to be able to talk to people who actually knew about the music I like! We only stayed until about 11pm because we were so tired from lack of sleep. On the way back I sat in the front seat of the car, it was a strange experience I've never sat on the right side before! This morning we got up for breakfast at 7:30am and then went to Walmart for a shopping trip, afterwards we came back and had a swimming test, it was nerve wracking!!! I passed though because I was able to float and tread water and I managed a length and a half of the pool so it wasn't too bad! Me, Hayley and 2 other girls we've met were just playing tennis for an hour and by the end we could definately see an improvement (we were hitting OVER the net!) talking of tennis...I've found an american counselor who loves Andy Rodd*** and Novak Djokovic and is planning on watching wimbledon next week...I think I'll have to befriend her!!! Anyway I'm off to have tea now, we're having a BBQ on the 'beach' (it's a fake beach by the lake but it's really nice) speak soon, Hannah xxx
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