Hope the skydive went well!! Liked your blog about the sounds - well done on seeing both! Shame about your Van, but sounds like you've got it running now, so keep having fun, love Jonny and Kirsty x x x
Santiago de Chile
Ciudad capital de Chile. Desde donde puedes visitar tambien Argentina/ Mendoza y tener el privilegio de viajar por tierra cruzando la cordillera de Los Andes.Majestuosos nevados. que limitan ambos paises. Puedes viajar cercano a la antartica Torres del Paine donde encontraras y tocaras los Hielos flotantes.Puedes visitar Frutillar ciudad muy parecida a Suiza...la carretera austral con naturaleza intacta por anos. Visita Chile!
Valparaiso es uno de los puertos principales de Chile. Se ubica cercano a la Ciudad capital Santiago de Chile. Si visitas Santiago podras en el mismo dia estar en la montana nevada (sky) y luego en el Oceano Pacifico. Chile tiene todos los climas del mundo. Tiene una larga costa para visitar. El desierto mas seco del mundo donde puedes ver los centros astronomicos mas importantes. Pueden visitar sus islas tropicales y lagos con volcanes cercanos que forman un paisaje paradisiaco. Existen muchos apart hotels donde los precios son mas convenientes que en hoteles normales. Un centro especializado para orientarte en lo que desees hacer.Oficina nacional de turismo, que te dan los mapas y guias en folletos para hacerte mas facil tu llegada a los lugares. Los restauranes y grandes supermercados tienen comida de todos los paises. El idioma principal es el castellano, se habla tambien ingles. Muchos turistas visitan Chile y se enamoran de este pais. Es tranquilo para vivir,amigables y amorosas personas con los extranjeros. Visita Santiago de Chile. Ciudad que tiene mucho que decirte en sus montanas incertas en el down town, en su geografia, museos y gente.
Dad Smith
Hey!! How about a blog from NZ??! No excuses about rubbish internet out there! You whet our appetites with all the ones from S America - you can't deprive us now, we're addicted!!
Love to both
Dad / Ben
WOW!!! WOW!!! Fantastic photos. You seem to have had great weather and visibility. So pleased for you.
Louise, Grant And Sophie
Dearest Hannah,
Wishing you a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!, this will definately be one to remember, though I do seem to remember your 18th was quite memorable to! LOL Trust Auntie Lou to remind you of that!!
Hope you are both having a wonderful time and we look forward to your latest update!
Lots of Love
Grant, Louise and Sophie xxx
Gail And John
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Hannah - with love from the Woods . . . say hello to Rhys
Hello Hannah, I'm staying with your mum and dad and have enjoyed looking at some of your photos. We visited Eileen yesterday to celebrate her 80th birthday!! I'm off home tomorrow my usual short visit.Mum said this woul;d be a good way to wish you Happy Birthday. Have a lovely time darling....Happy Birthday. Love you loads GrandmaXX
Alison Kent
Hi Hannah and Rhys,
It all sounds amazing. You should be on the Inca trail by now so Hannah you will be celebrating your birthday in a pretty unforgettable way. Hope you have a fantastic day Hannah, Happy Birthday from us all I know you'll miss my usual rendition of Happy Birthday so I'll save it until you get home! Look forward to your next blog.
Special birthday wishes and Love to you both Alison, John Lucy and Richard. xxxx
Keith Harris
Happy Birthday Hannah hope you have an exciting day Gu & keith xxx
Family In Scotland
Fantastic weather, great food and company. We are all having a lovely time, lunch in the wendyhouse and coffee and almond slice at Ardardan.
Love to you both from all of us xxx
Alison Kent
Hi Hannah and Rhys,
Hope you are feeling better now Hannah.We have just had a good weekend with Lucy, Grandma and your parents coming over for Grandmas birthday. Grandma and your mum are off to Scotland today so hopefully the weather will stay fine so they can get out and about.Grandma managed to get lost on route to your parents around the new roads by Bedford but she got there in the end. Now you know why you youngsters are all such intrepid explorors. Glad you enjoyed the road of death even happier that like with Lucy we didn't know about it until after you had done it!. Carry on having fun and updating us enjoy reading your blogs and seeing the photos. Take Care.