Gidday and Kia ora friends
I think this will actually be my last blog for this little trip, we are home on Wednesday- that's if everything goes to plan!.We are currently sitting on the ferry in the south island waiting to go north, but we have been waiting for 3 hours and still haven't moved! Well Wev been waiting a lot longer but il let you Know about that disaster later.
So biggest news flash so far - I have given up chocolate for lent and have been clean for over a week! ( biggest sacrifice ever) I think I must of written it in my last blog but I'm so proud of myself I thought I'd tell you again.
Wev been to some lovely places but also some very stupid places like lake manipua, I don't even think there's a lake there! Because we are with kiwi experience we had to go there, it not a town,it's in the middle of nowhere. An 80+ year old man owns the hostel, he is the grumpiest old man I've ever met, he's so rude but gets away with it because of his age. Kiwi experience do a themed night in the pub ( its called the poo pub- seriously!) we all had to dress up as something bad taste, I wore a shirt from the charity shop and mark kitted himself out with old lady clothes, he did look really funny he even had a bag . Before I forget we even had to hire sheets for the bed!.
Franz josef was so cute and pretty I loved it there!, was a tiny little town and the hostel was the nicest one Wev stayed in so far. We had an ensuite, tv and kitchen in our room! They also had free soup at 6!. As you probably know we climbed up the glacier- it was freezing! It rained for about 2 hours but then the sun came out which was nice! We were walking for 6 hours but it wasn't hard at all, I expected it to a lot tougher. With the trip we got a free pass to the hot pools, one pool was 40 degrees!!.
Queenstown is Amazing! Not what we expected its literally got 5 streets in the whole town, it's beautifull and the nightlife and burgers are good. This brings me to ferg burger! Omg we had been waiting for these ever since Australia and they were worth it! I think there famous burgers (this side of the world only though) they have every filling you can imagine( apart from gammon and egg which would be a good filling) the lamb was our fav. Mark did his canyon swing here! It's 109 metres high and I'm guessing you fall like your doing a bungy then swing when you get to the bottom? ( I didn't watch it) He did it on a plastic chair which is supposed to be very scary.
We then went to kaikoura- Kai meaning food and koura meaning shellfish and thats all there is to say about this place. Boringville. We were there for two nights. Well that's what we had planned. Didn't turn out this way, there was a massive storm in the north island roofs have been blown off houses and trees blown down so the ferry across was cancelled. Absolute nightmare! As all of our coaches had been pre booked and of course we fly out on Tuesday! So we had to re book all of our coaches which was painful because the hostel we were in doesnt have Internet connection or phones,the nearest place was a 45 min walk. We were put on stand by but luckily we got on tithe coach this morning . So now we are a day behind and worst still we get into Auckland on Tuesday! The day we come home!. Don't fly till midnight so it will be fine but tiring!.
Can't believe it's nearly all over, we have seen some amazing things and met lovely people ( and some a*******s) but now it's time to come back to reality and get a pedicure. I haven't changed, my bad habits and OCDs are still with me, the only thing that's changed with mark is his beard- its so bushy now. I could defo not move away from England.
I feel like I'm saying bye to all of you! But Il see you all next week when I have slept! Woop woop
You can all make me some home cooked food as a welcome home pressie
Danielle you still owe me that risotto you've been promising me for 5 years x ( or was it paella)
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