hi every one! were in sydney now with rubbish weather but still having fun!!! we went on a 3 day trip to airs rock and kings canyon after melbourne which was so much fun! and one the best things we've done so far! we camped in the actual desert! but the tents were actually really nice and had proper beds in them and on the second night we both slept outside with the guides and they took our beds out cos alice wanted a matress! so we slept outside on our beds, which was cool cos the stars are fantastic! airs rock is stunning and we walked ALL the way round it! our favourite place was kings canyon, which once we got over heart attack hill was amazing! we also went on a camel ride which was an experience! and fed the cutest wallibies one of which had a little joey in her pouch and was sooooo cute! was just a really really fun trip! ..... in sydney now and have been to bondi beach today and then walked over the bridge at sunset which was really pretty! we did a nice boat ride round the harbour yesterday! were having a surfing lesson on thursday so will let you no how that goes! (lets hope theres no sharks around please!) missing everyone xxxxxxxxx
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