Hi Everyone! We're at Beachcomber now in the Mamanuca islands or something along those lines! It is absolutely stunning with crystal clear waters! We both went parasailing today, lol we weren't allowed together, lol are they trying to hint something! But great fun though!!! Burnt to a crisp & now starting to peel, yay! You can walk around the island in 10 mins & are staying in a 100 bed dorm, yuck! experience though! Are leaving for Nadi tomorrow & then onto Auckland! Miss you all! Love the dumbest girls in Britain xxx
Hi Hannah here! sorry just wanted to add as alice missed out the most exciting bits! all the fun stuff we did in Fiji! we went on a treck (sounds worst than it was!) to this amazing waterfall and swam at the bottom which was luuuurvly! then that night tehre was THE biggest storm ever and the first clap of lightning made everone jump out of there skin! it rained sooo hard all night, and there were twisters on the sea! was pretty cool! the next day we went on an island trip where we did sooo much! we followed 3 pilot whales for about 20 minutes and they were so close and one of them was a baby one! so amazing! we then went snorkling, literally in the middle of the sea which i was nearly crying about at first! (Alice was very brave tho and got straight in!) but once we were in it was absoloutely fantastic, it was over this coral reef and the colours where amazing! then someone decided to shout SHARK and no, he was not joking to scare us! there was an actualy real life shark! although when we went to see it looked quite small and i only saw a glimpse of it! but still pretty cool i thought! we visited a local school and villiage which quite an expereince and then got absoloutely soaked on the rough ride home! was a really cool day! anyways i just wanted to telly you all about that stuff! cos i loved it! hope everyones ok! oh and thankyou for the sympathy over my camera, which can i add... for once i didnt drop it or anything... just a stupid 'technical fault' which is soooo annoying, but am getting a new one tomoro! lots of love hannah xxxxxxxxxxxx
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