Early start to the day to be checked out of hotel and into tour and away on bus by 7.00
Majority of the bus were Canadians, then Aussies and Americans, with us being the only two kiwis aboard and also one Brazilian.
Canadians tended to stay in a group as all do the rest. Trying to make an effort of mixing in and meeting people.
Drove through London to Dover to get the ferry across the channel, Dover has the castle on the hill and white cliffs along the waters edge. 90 minute ferry ride to France.
Once got onto French soil drove for around 45min (on right hand side of road!!) then stopped off at WW1 monument that was for the Canadians on the tour, (Vimy Ridge which is their version of Gallipoli - Where France and Canada defeated Germany on western front. This land was a token to Canada)
Then 2.5 hour drive to Paris, green countryside / pastures similar to NZ. Heaps of trucks on the road off the ferry.
Then into Paris, dirty and graffiti everywhere and high rise apartments.
Camp was average, in the Bronx somewhere and shared a cabin with an Aussie couple. Once settled in had champagne and snails - not too bad really just tasted garlicky from what they were cooked in.
After a quick tea went out for twilight bus tour of Paris some beautiful sites at night. Very romantic!! Especially EiffelTower
Once we got into city centre all the buildings changed and most were very spectacular. Drove along SeineRiver and around Eiffel tower then down other side to camp.
The traffic/cars were amazing, never seen just chaos - drove straight into arch de triumph (seatbelt material) listening to Danger Zone.
Things we seen
-River Seine and all the bridges
-around Louvre
-Arch di Triumph and Champs Élysées
-Eiffel tower
-Notre dame
-Napoleons buriel building
-many churches and museums
-interesting driving and paring habits (from the safety of the bus)
Back at campsite went to the local bar and had a beer which cost 5 euro!! Expensive for the size of the plastic cup!!
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