Tales of the Travelling Princess
Why am I finding it scarier to travel in the States than somewhere I have no idea of the language? Everyone put the fear of God into me by saying that Americans wouldn't "get me". This coupled with knowing how bad-mannered I can be to complete strangers has made me wary of talking to these fruitcakes.
Fruitcake #1 was on the flight sitting beside me. Talking non-stop, despite me having earphones on and then feigning sleep (well, I might have nodded off for ten minutes), was the first sign we weren't going to get on. When she started asking me whether we had lots of immigrants in my country taking all the jobs I realised I would have to stop drinking from the free bar or things would get messy. Good job I stuck to water as in the tenth hour of the flight she assured me I wouldn't be stopped at passport control as I was neither a terrorist nor an Arab.
So far I have shopped and walked in Sunny San Fran. Today it is cloudy and cold so I'll make the most and plan how to get out of here in into the mountains and woodlands. Did anyone ever think I would say that? No Macy's or Gap for me anymore. Well, little white lie as I spent a decent amount in the Gap sale yesterday.
Might need to buy more clothes I can actually fit into when I leave since I'm eating more in a day than I do in a week. Food is everywhere here and I'm buying it even when I know I'm not hungry.
I'm feeling a bit more confident in my surroundings now so perhaps I will venutre out and make some friends. I'll stick to orange juice for now then work my way up to cider.
I made it to Vegas but didn't make it big. Lots of neon and not enough money to gamble. Stayed in the quirky Excalibur Hotel (a neon castle) and dined in the Belagio with drinks in Caeser's. Best part of the trip was the fountain show outside the Belagio to the music of Elvis - Viva Las Vegas! Certainly beats the Geneva fountain...
Very relaxing day in Zion National Park in Utah. Only problem I had the whole time in the States was the driving. Not me, of course. Other people. Don't think many of them had licences. Can't overtake properly, don't signal at all and... I could go on and on.
Tip: don't believe what everyone says about the food in San Francisco. I didn't find a good restaurant the whole time I was there! But, the weather certainly is like South England. Hot then cloudy then windy then sunny.
Missed the Grand Canyon which I would still love to see. Other than that... nothing else tickles my travel tastebuds in the States.
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