Hi guys - bt line and internet now fixed engineer said bad weather had caused problem at exchange - have been doing serious xmas shopping with jackie- one of our favourite times of the year as we can shop till we drop and you know how good we are both at that ha ha. even Claire cant keep up with us. Glad u both enjoyed Sydney cant wait for next update you both look really happy and glowing in photos.
Builders still here downstairs loo nearly finished should be complete early next week fingers crossed.
love hugs and kisses to you both speak soon mom w xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Matt (College)
Hi both, looks like your both havin a great time, some fantastic photos. Its all rain here and the blues are just about scraping some results. Suppose its back to the revision for me so keep on enjoying the experience. Matt
Dan Aka Frodo/wee Mon
Howdy partners,
Just saw your pics of Brisbane and the east coast. Hope you liked Brizzy as much as we did. I was in the middle of texting u just glow worm after the felching rock pic. I am glas to see that you are getting the word round about the 3 muskethounds, I took Ken on a bender yesterday and we had some bum fun throughout the day. Are you doing a skydive glowworm? Apparently its an ever so wonderful feeling...
I got leathered at the halloween party and shell won. I can't remember too much of the nigth but apparently I was dancing away to Michael Jackson in my pumpkin outfit. Take care guys enjoy Skydney and Ill see you when you get back xxxxxxxx love from the big fellah xxxxxx
Claire Louise Wilson
Hello strangers-sorry not been in touch sooner, don't think i haven't been thinking of you both thoxxWell the weather here is cold and it's all dark and horrible so looking at your pics has made me feel so wonderful!!!!No but seriously i'm so glad you've done this what a once in a lifetime experience!I've just passed another exam at college so nearly finished now!!Kiera has developed her six year old hormones-i said she can live with mom and i'll have her back when she's about twenty??Kiera painted Keagans' nails the other day bright pink-wonder where he gets that from gaz??Did kiera a party for her friends for her bday-had seventeen kids round!!I was just sitting in a corner rocking for days after!!!So i'll let you get back to your amazing adventure and speak soon-love you both so much-look after each other and enjoy what god has created-he's pretty good eh???lots of love always Claire,Paul Kiera and Keagan xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Nickie,ethan& Dan
all i can say is WOW i love steve irwin im so jealous, your both looking really glowy and happy, cant wait for your next installment.
love you both millions take care and be safe xxxxxx
Nickie,ethan& Dan
all i can say is WOW i love steve irwin im so jealous, your both looking really glowy and happy, cant wait for your next installment.
love you both millions take care and be safe xxxxxx
heya hannah and gaz hope your havein a great time and all the blogs you both have writen are so nice and ur so luckly! miss u hannah tke care and c u soon xx
Stan And Jack
hiya both just caught up again it brings it all back isnt steve irwins zoo absoloutley fantastic you cant appreciate it until youve been eh?so clean and all staff so knowledgable the animals look like theyve had shampoo and blowdry ???you both look so well nice tans glad youre enjoying the trip i bet its hard to choose your favourite spot but that sunset is just awesome. stan says hes a bit of an expert on sandboarding being a desert rat in army ha ha !!!!stay safe have fun looking forward to sydney update .lots of love jack and stanxxxxxxxxxx
Mom W
Hi both just checked out your latest update - pics from zoo amazing arent the koala's cute - lovely pic of the croc - you both look really well - u can get some serious sunbathing in - Brisbane is a lovely city the man made beach looks great now - it was being revamped when we were there so appreciate the pics - morton island looked really interesting - will check for update when u get to sidney
Just to let u know Shell won the ladies prize at the haloween party as a dead bride - Sarah's James won the lads prize he was a devil - Dan and Shell have some good pics - Still waiting for my sim card will phone u when it arrives - lots of love hugs and kisses speak soon love mom w xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Gaz & Hannah
Hi all - thanks for the messages!
Hope you had a lovely birthday Kiera & made a wish after bowing out your candles - will bring u a present back!
Hope Uni is goin well Steph & Nic!
We are loving Oz at mo - nice to get some sunshine :)
Thanks Nickie for the lovely pics of Ethan!
Hello to all the little ones, Ethan, Thomas, Izzy, Kiera, Keegan & Dan
Take care xx
M Wom
Hi guys loved your latest update and photo,s sounds like u r both having a great time -glad u arrived safely in Brisbane lovely and hot cant wait to find out what u both thought of steve irwin zoo we absolutely adored it there Brisbne is lovely too - kiera was six on 26th she had a lovely party and really enjoyed her day - thanks for anniversary message going out for a meal sat with Dan and Shell - they are off to sams haloween party tonite - Dan has spent hours making a mask and Shells nan has helped out with sewing of costumes - look really good will get Dan to send you a photo - waiting for my new sim card to arrive so will let u have new no shortly love to you both speak soon - mom w xxxxxxxxx
Hi both, So glad you are having a trip of a lifetime. The pics are amazing. NZ looks very beautiful would love to go. Hope you both enjoy Australia, I am sure you will. Take care of each other and enjoy your trip. Love Jeanette & Brian xx