Yesterday was probably the hosettt day of the year. I went out for a run at just about the hosettt part of the day, you know .just for fun. I figured I would do the 1.4 mile loop that passes my house, so I can easily stay hydrated. I've run this loop hundreds of times, I could probably run it with my eyes closed. I ended up doing 9 loops equaling about 12 miles at a 9 min pace.I stopped in the house 3 times to fill my bottle and grabbed my middle son with me for one of the loops. He was drenched after one mile from the heat, so he was amazed that I ran 12.Anyway, can anyone explain why today my legs are as sore as if I ran a Marathon yesterday?Last tues I ran an 11 mile tempo run at a 7:55 pace and then did a really hard interval workout on thursday so there is no reason that I am more sore from this run yesterday then any of my other workouts. It was actually my slowest run of the week. Unless the heat has something to do with it? I did stay really well hydrated and also drank a big glass of endurox when I was done. (Wich I discovered from Matt's book over a year ago)Any ideas why I'm hobbling up and down the stairs?
Valerica Yesterday was probably the hosettt day of the year. I went out for a run at just about the hosettt part of the day, you know .just for fun. I figured I would do the 1.4 mile loop that passes my house, so I can easily stay hydrated. I've run this loop hundreds of times, I could probably run it with my eyes closed. I ended up doing 9 loops equaling about 12 miles at a 9 min pace.I stopped in the house 3 times to fill my bottle and grabbed my middle son with me for one of the loops. He was drenched after one mile from the heat, so he was amazed that I ran 12.Anyway, can anyone explain why today my legs are as sore as if I ran a Marathon yesterday?Last tues I ran an 11 mile tempo run at a 7:55 pace and then did a really hard interval workout on thursday so there is no reason that I am more sore from this run yesterday then any of my other workouts. It was actually my slowest run of the week. Unless the heat has something to do with it? I did stay really well hydrated and also drank a big glass of endurox when I was done. (Wich I discovered from Matt's book over a year ago)Any ideas why I'm hobbling up and down the stairs?