Take time off. Not just a year. Follow your nose and do some things that sound at least a litlte fun (lots of internships for people your age) until you find that you are really interested in something, then go back to college(if appropriate) and pursue it. I didn't realize what I really wanted to do was ethnobotany until I was 24.Spend some time alone,'ve spent your whole life being told what to do. Do some healing and service to clear your mind. Chi gung, yoga,
Kirk Take time off. Not just a year. Follow your nose and do some things that sound at least a litlte fun (lots of internships for people your age) until you find that you are really interested in something, then go back to college(if appropriate) and pursue it. I didn't realize what I really wanted to do was ethnobotany until I was 24.Spend some time alone,'ve spent your whole life being told what to do. Do some healing and service to clear your mind. Chi gung, yoga,