We arrived in Hervey Bay in the evening ready for our trip to the Fraser Isands. Unfortunately the weather the next day was disgusting and our expectations were pretty low. However, we had our good freind Huckleberry travelling with us :) We met our group as we went across on the ferry to the islands. Our day consisted of an interesting 4x4 journey being driven by a danish girl who did not know how to reverse. we ended up going down a one way street, nearly being crushed by a lorry and putting ourself on the edge of a bank and nearly getting flipped.... getting out the van was nothing less than a massive relief... In the afternoon Will and I went on a 5km run along the beach and then up the sand dunes to lake Wabbi where a massive sand dunes runs into the freshwater lake. We rolled down 50metres of sand straight into the water which was good fun. When the others arrived we had somersault competitons from the top to the bottom which involed alot of dizzyness and sickness!!! well worth it though :) That evening Huckleberry was the centre of attention as we drunk copious ammounts of Snakebite from him and the results were in impressive projectile vomit from Slates... we told him it would happen!
Next day we went to indian heads at the top of Fraser Island which gave some wicked views, luckily the weather had taken a turn for the good and sun was shining!!! we then went to the shipwreck for lunch and also had a game of touch. During this time our poor driver had now managed to get the van stuck so we had to get out and push it whilst sand and mud flicked up into our faces... looovely :) We had a chilled evening and on our final day we visited Lake Mckenzie where me paynel and harry swam about 1km across the lake absolutely nackering ourselves out. Harry managed to get so dizzy he started swimming backwards! we walked back. We returned to Hervey bay that afternoon after a quality couple of days and charger ourselves for a massive 900 mile drive the next day!!!
We set off from Hervey Bay to Airlie beach at 8 30 in the morning armed with numerous red bulls, some massive tunes and pizza shapes (the best snack in the world). We stopped off in Rockhampton (beef city) to complete the challenge, a one kilo steak with chips and salad, it was easy :) before setting off again. we eventually arrived at 9 that evening in Airlie content with an epic convoy drive. We decided to go for it that evening and after a solid pre lash headed to a foam party and sufficiently ruined our clothes and reputations as we jumped, ran and slid into and onto people from the depths of the foam reliving our childhood days! After this little episode we dried off and headed to Mama's where we immiedietly bought 16 jaegerbombs between 4 of us and then managed to spend over 100 dollars each!! great effort. Highlights included a random bloke trying to get me to join his crew after harry ripped the piss. slater being made to clean the floor with his t-shirt by a bouncer after spitting on the floor. me and paynel headed back with slates however managed to lose him to saw ourselves content to spend 30 minutes taking the piss out a girl going to oxford brookes. harry returned hammered with gareth a bit later panicking that slater was dead. he said he had searched everywhere to no avail!!! i said to check the room and surprise surprise there he was passed out on the bed in the foetel position. A reminder for anyone who comes out with us, never ever pass out first! our balls were soon all over him as were certain items of the nearby wash bag. pathetic boy :)
Next day we headed to Whitsundays with our group promised an absolute party boat. it did not dissapoint, we chilled the first evening after a wicked kangeroo steak meal and the next day we went to whithaven beach, one of the nicest beaches in the world and an awesome view. of course our token game of touch followed :) we snorkelled in the southern area of the great barrier reef that afternoon before taking part in the goon olympics that evening. We all got naked, passed oranges between us, threaded rope through our clothes and used our but cheeks to do a coin relay!!! after a slight loss to the "kiss my c*** quot; team, dutch for choose my side!!! the felch babies (our team) out shouted them for a moral victory! Slater and I tried to climb through a pot hole which was never going to happen, slater got stuck and pat, the activity guy sprayed oxygen from the canister onto his balls which was absolutely hilarious. Gareth then provided maybe the moment of gap year with an unfortunate incident with a slightly (very) overweight german lady named oodle.... this complimented the best photo ever taken which was then hastily deleted... fair enough :) we eventually drifted off at 4:30 after more drunken antics aboard the pegausus and many sing alongs :)
Cairns tomorrow!!!
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