Remember to Explore
An Article I read on -
Is Backpacking a Gamble in Life?
October 26, 2012
I've heard a lot of older people say things like 'I wish I did that', 'I wish I went there', they are also full of advice like 'do it while you're young'. A lot of young people nowadays don't take this advice, so quick to tie themselves down with children and a mortgage, denying themselves the chance to live free, travel and explore the world for a while. 'I regret going backpacking' … said nobody … ever! You will often find that these regret-filled elderly people stayed inside their comfort zone for much of their lives.Creatures of Comfort
I'm not saying that having a mortgage and children is not a legitimate way to live, because as a race we have generally become creatures of comfort, routine and stability. Some people simply want to live a stable and comfortable life and I can respect that. Some lucky/hard-working people have the resources to travel extensively and buy all the houses they please. A lot of people comment on my Facebook posts asking how I've funded all this travel through my life, it's simple, I have no mortgage, no children, I travel smart, independently and do all I can to ensure I won't get ripped off. If you've never been, backpacking is a lot cheaper than you think. Some people believe living the life of a backpacker is some sort of risk or gamble, I don't mean gamble like a casual flutter on, I mean a serious issue that could leave you with nothing in life. I have no idea what leads people to believe such a presumptuous notion, maybe it's because they simply don't have a clue about the experiences you can have out there, and how travel can completely change you, and your life forever. Discovering travel certainly changed the path of my life, from something that was boring to something that is awesome! There's people very close to me that I would have never, ever met or known at all if I hadn't made a series of wild split-second decisions whilst I was out backpacking in the world.No Security
I've heard people say 'you've got no security', well, what exactly do I need that for? Really though, what security do you have in a mortgage and family - none at all, you don't own your house until it's paid for anyway. Your house can be taken from you, and I know it's not likely, but your partner could run off with your family. All of it could be taken away from you with the help of a few unfortunate twists of fate. The only thing that can't be taken away from you is your experiences. I have never heard anyone say they regret going backpacking, not one. I have however, heard many people say they regret tying themselves down at a young age. I even hear tones of regret from people who have a great house, beautiful children and the perfect marriage.'You're Too Old!'
In this day and age, it still astonishes me when I hear anyone tell someone else they are too old to do something. Some people think that people as young as 35 or 40 are too old to go backpacking. These people are just plain wrong, boring, and possibly already dead inside. One elderly man who's wife died in 1982 was lucky to have a body that still functioned into his 70′s. This elderly man hit the road in 1982, he is now 90 years old and still backpacking around the world today, staying in hostels and having the time of his life. Check out the world's oldest backpacker. I believe the average life expectancy is around 80-90 where I come from, this means that you have around 80 years to live your life, not 30 or 40. As long as you're still able-bodied enough, you have a chance to go after your ultimate life experiences. Somebody might say 'you're too old', this should spur you on, go out there, have an awesome experience, come back and shove the photos in their face. Then go and hang out with your new friends that you met along the way and head onward to the next adventure. To me, backpacking is not a gamble, it's a priority, a must-do before my body gives in. I'm content with what I've experienced at 30, but that also means I only have around 50 more years to experience this planet whilst I'm alive, I haven't even been to the United States or South America yet! To me the gamble would be sitting around not working towards doing the things I really want to do. This article has put my mind at rest - I'm going travelling! Ciao for now- comments