hey...great reading your blog- am very jealous!
Steph hope you have a very happy birthday and looking forward to reading more about your travels!
take care
lots of love Becci and Mark xx
Happy Birthday Steph, 1 day early!
Hope you are having a fab time. Hugs
Grandma & Grandad
Happy Birthday Steph, thinking of you and wishing you a wonderful birthday, one to remember. All our love from Grandma and Grandad.
Sally K
Just a quick one to wish Steph a very happy, and hopefully particularly memorable, birthday for Sat. Just to let you know that all us Kerswell's are thinking of you on your b'day and throughout your travels. Anyway hope the stomach stays more stable - every time (although rarely) I log in you seem to have had gippy tums. Anyway stay happy. Love Sal and Co.X
Mike G
Hey guys, Don't be too shocked, I know this is my second message in one week. I'm off to the big smoke for the rest of the week so thought I'd take this opportunity to wish you a happy birthday sis. Hope the transfer comes in handy, it is fully intended for u to do something exciting with, or buy me a souvenier. haha. Hope you have a great day. Lot of love.
What a wonderful expierence you are both having. Experiences will entertain friends and families for months on your return!!
Happy Birthday Stephanie. I hope you are somewhere where you can celebrate in a suitable manner!
Best wishes
Auntie Pat and Uncle Dave.
Nettie And Rex
Hi both
Just to say a quick hello. Glad to hear that you are both well and having an adventure - we're enjoying your blogs and photos.
We also wanted to wish Steph a very happy Bangkok birthday - no doubt she may need to give the Victoria sponge birthday cake a miss this year! (Do enjoy some drinks/ meal out from us when the transfer reaches you).
Best wishes in the meantime.
Lots of love, Nettie and Rex xxx
2nd. March.
Greg - Impressed with your "Economist's" appraisel of Asian attitudes to survival. Am considering cutting out the Sunday Times - can"t read both - your blog wins hands down ! PLEASE KEEP IT UP. This Grandad can acquaint your offspring with a blog on the Iran & Irak Axis of Evil so give these areas a miss.
Take good care both of you.
hi greg and steph
i hope you are all ok. HAPPY BIRTHDAY STEPHXXXX
Mike G
Hey guys, I've just read your message board and it seems like everyone else is far better at sending you messages than me, whoops. I have been reading all your blogs though, promise. Sounds like your having an amazing time though, sounds like you might end up buying a motorbike when you get home than,haha. Hope the food posening doesn't occur too often. Hope your looking forward to your birthday stephers. xx
Grandma Grandad
Just read your blog from Sabai-dee, Laos, what an adventure you are having, looking forward to seeing some more photos. Look after yourselves and keep safe. Our fondest love Grandma and Grandad. xxxxxx
hi greg and steph
sorry its been long. i hope you are all ok and enjoying yourself love photos can't wait foe singpore love lots claire, mum and dadxxxxxxxxx