Wow! Paris is amazing. After a long bus ride from London, we arrived in Paris. We found our accommodation easily enough, and Leanne fell in love immediately. I can not blame her as every single street just feels so French. Our first day consisted of walking around and just soaking up the amazing atmosphere, followed by a romantic dinner on a tiny little cobbled street. The owner was so nice, he helped us with the menu (the language barrier was interesting to start with but is much easier now) and also gave us a free glass of wine each, which was really yummy, so was the food.
In just under a week we have seen a lot of Paris, as we are staying within walking distance of the centre of the city, near the Louve.
We started with a boat tour on the Seine River & got off at the Eiffel Tower. We walked to the 2nd level and then a lift to top, wow, the view was awesome.
The next day we visited the Louve, and this place was impressive. We saw a lot, but still only got through maybe 1/4 of the museum - it is huge!! The best parts included the Mona Lisa and Napolean's Apartments. We then decided to take a stroll up the Champs-Elysees which was really romantic, and before we knew it we were staring at the Arc De Triumphe.
The next day we spent time at Notre Dame and the Saint Chapel. Both very interesting, but the Saint Chapel was absolutely beautiful. This place is famous for displaying Jesus` Crown of Thorns and a piece of the Cross on which Jesus was crucified.
The following day we had a great time on a day tour to Giverney and Versailles. Giverney is famous for Monet's Gardens, and although gardens don't interest me, this place was really romantic. We then headed to a restaurant in an old mill on a river int he country, and had an amazing lunch. All of us thought we were going to get salad sandwiches, but were amazed when we received a 3 course typically French meal, which was really delicious. Then it was off to the Palace of Versailles. This place was huge, amazing and beautiful all at the same. It was just so extravagent.
Today we have just walked around the Marais district, and getting lost in this place is really part of the fun. It is just so romantic, the streets are all so beautiful and the food quite awesome. We have only a few days left before picking up the car to head through the rest of France. I purchased a GPS to make it a little easier, but now I have to listen to 2 women giving me directions.
We also want to wish Jim a happy 30th birthday, I hope you had a great night, we wish we were there.
In the meantime, take care and we look forward to reading your emails.
Cheers, Leanne and Mal.
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