Hi Niggel (and all those that have been spelt correctly on the email list and have looked up Niggels site.)Just to say That I too had a wicked time, there were so many its hard to choose what I enjoyed the most, throwing myself out of a plane, scuba diving, my vodka skittles, sleeping out under the stars or of course Niggels ''Entertain me" kareoke. Well best wishes to everyone where ever you may be (I too am at the airport awaiting my flight home).
ps my email is wrong on the list done this is my proper one [email protected]
Its a good job I was with Byron and Jenny in Singapore when they logged on, else I would have missed all the banter.
Nige, Will see you at Heathrows arrivals no doubt.
i have updated the site today look at the postcards again, more indepth reports from 01/01/05 to 07/01/05.
more tomorow
Hi Son. Glade to here you making the best of your time down under, and experienceing as much as poss. Were all ok here in wet/cold england .Hayley Aaron and melissa send there love . How about some more pitures on the site,safe us having to see them when you get back !! Let us know were your off to next.
ps from the kids dont forget the boomerrang!
hi nigel i am so pleased for you , i don,t know how you will settle down when you come home flying back and going to work must be very hard. you will be tied for a couple of weeks until you have sorted yourself out any how nigel we are coming over on the 5th februiary and staying with nan first 3 4 days we will ring you when you are home michelle says there is no poblem if you can not put us up love you mum and joe xxxx
Yellow Ones
what are they for?
Looking forward to seeing you soon.
Ben 'no mates to go drinking with as they are all off getting married' royal
Top Bird
Am V jealous! Sitting hear reading this at my desk, back into the usual slog of everyday life! Bet you can't wait to get back to England - NOT! The weather is nothing unusual for this time of year, cold, wet & extremely windy! When are you due back home???
P.S. We want more pictures!!!!
Hi Nigel. Australia sounds great. I want to go. I don't know how you managed to break that boat. Aaron and Millie say hi as well. We're all pretty bored here. All back at school, and I had an exam today. Sounds like your having much more fun. Hope you enjoy the rest of your travels.
Hi Nigle,
Hope you had a good new year. I went to Swanage for the fancy dress street tour (as princess Lea), but of course it wasn't quite as good as the Rambo and Disco diva tour. I have been following your escapades on tour. You little devil!!! You have kept me entertained at work when I am recruiting boring accountants like you (he he he just kidding). I expect the next time we will see each other will be Glasto (hopefully you will come more prepared next time and maybe we can drag Ben along too). Anyway I had better go I hope the rest of the trip goes well. Take care of yourself we all want you to come home in one piece.
PS: if you reply to this message keep it clean as it is my work email.You must also mark FAO Imogen as it goes to a main inbox.
Big Al
Mate, sounds like you're having an absolutely awesome time. Hope the rest is just as good, see you back in blighty! Al.
hi nigel read your letter today. see you very soon love mum x
hi nigel its sounds that you are having a great time i am so pleased for you, i shall write again soon, love mum xx
morning or afternoon mate. whatever the time it is out there.
having fun?? we're not missing you so don't worry about coming back. Advanced hasn't gone bankrupt so you're not that important after all. muhahahahahaha
another bit of news for ya. Your house was used for location for the new ben dover porn fim (finally get a bit of totty in your gaff and you're not there. typical!!) and Veal has moved in.