You were right all are in fact well brilliant xx
i have been so lame in keeping this site up to date, but i have been having so much fun.
vegas was awesome, even if oher people had to tell me what i got up to, i was so trashed. the ricky hatton fight was ace.
i have spentt the last few days hanging out with kate and her friends in LA. and spent last night inn san diego, to meet up with kevin. i feel so hungover right now at thtet airport awaiting my flight.
when i get home tonighgt i shall post all my pics on here and stuff.
i dont want tto go home just yet. another week would be nice.
see you all soon
Hello Mate,
Sounds like your having a fantastic time away from the wind, rain and big brother scandals of the British winter time. Especially envious about the helicopter ride through Grand Canyon, must have been exhilerating.
Remember, if you meet a real Texan it's traditional to kiss them on both cheeks as a greeting!!
Anyway take care and ring Mum, she's worried you haven't contacted her yet.
See you soon. Jay
Hello - We are mising you!
Have still got a lot of guiness to finish from NYE - see you soon.
love Ben, Lisa and Daisy.
man, my head hurts like hell. one hell of a night out in vegas.
im off to see the ricky hatton fight tonight.
done some really cool stuff.
helicopters over the grand canyon
hiking down the grand canyon
pretending to be the 2nd gunman on the grassy knoll
scored a goal conversion at the dallas cowboys stadium
and lots of other crazy stuff.
i will right more as soon as i hit los angeles as i will have more time. ill post some photo's too.
hope all is well
Hiya. Dad emailed me your web page.
Sounds like everythings going ok so far. Wish I was in Florida. It's so windy here I can hear the whole building creak. What was New Orleans like? Hope the rest of your trip is just as good.
Hello Mate hope you havin a good one would say we are missing you but that would be lie
Its raining like mad here.
damn there is nowhere with internet access, i thought it would be everywhere.
things are going well, florida was lovely and hot, but new orleans and memphis is cold.
i will add some info tomorrow when i get a chance, for now im off to a blues bar for some food and then to a kareoke.
graceland tomorrow.
bye for now
Bad news the house has gone missing, the mercedes has burnt down and the cat has been stolen!
Seriously everythings OK, i may have crashed into next doors car though...
Dont do anything i would!
Hey Nige.
Wanted to get in first with this. When you get to amarillo, can you show me the way???