thought i would make use of this picture i took of laura earlier on. i think you will agree, the lack of tweasers has done magical things to her eyebrows.
anywhooo, palau Kapas is amazingly quiet. we are staying in a shed surrounded by palm trees, using a wordrobe converted shower and hiding behind our mozzie net between 5 and 8 when they officially call it, "mozzie time." thousands of the f***ers. laura says it makes her feel like a princess inside the net. it makes me
anyway, there is literally another 4 people here, the island is empty. its incredible. yet again, white sand, clear water and lots of coral and rocks that all tend to look like penis's. ace.
the electricity is on for about 6hrs a day and the chef cooks only one thing..... we have learnt to LOVE fried noodles!
We were lucky enough to be on Kapas as the Malaysians celebrated there 50 years of independance, which ment a few s*** fire works, a BBQ producing burnt fish, and LOTS of screaming asians. i opted to go vacate the "party" atmosphere to finish reading the Pele autobiography. behind the mozzie net.....with the princess of the shed by my side
next stop, Marang (not to be confused with Merang) to get the boat over to Palau Redang, 5 nights is ebough for anyone here. X
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