Just a line to keep in touch. Looks like you're having a fantastic time - just remember to keep up the journal cause you'll be amazed how it brings back all the happy memories in years to come!
Jack got results of CT Scan yest and all is looking very positive. Has to have another 2 or 4 cycles of chemo, which he was a bit pissed about, but things are good and he sends his love.
Isobel is back at school after the easter break and is about to start the dreaded SATs tests - can't believe she's off to 'Big School' in September - where has the time gone?
Everyone coming over for Sunday lunch at the weekend to celebrate Aunty Tracy's birthday - any excuse to celebrate - and hopefully your mum and dad will have more news to share with us about your adventures.
Its the big 50 for Uncle Nick next week - going to have a 'fun' but fairly quite one for now but will probably have a big party later in the summer so I imagine you'll be around to celebrate with us then which will be lovely.
Hope you're still having the most fantastic time and making the most of it all - keep updating the blogs - they're great to read.
Chill and Enjoy.
Love & Kisses Aunty Tracey, Uncle Nick, Jack and Izzzzzzzy xxxxxx
Mum & Dad
Hi Rea
Would you please ring mum we got some good news to tell you.
I like the Photos, , It does look as if they have off days from the sun there !!!
Hope you have a great time on you Birthday
Happy Birthday again all our Love
Mum & Dad xxxx
Hiya Sweetheart - if you're 11 hours ahead of us, by my reckoning it must now be your birthday - about 6.45 a.m. which means you're probably still in bed and in noddy land.
Don't forget to open your cards - assuming you haven't washed them and they're still readable having travelled through China and around Australia.
Missing you, but can't think of a better way to celebrate your birthday. Have a fabulous day - do something that you'll never get the opportunity to do again. All my love Mum xxx
P.S. Dad sends his love - he's still waiting for the photos. Speak to you soon
Nan And Gramp
have a great birthday. love from us both. we've read all your messages on the computer while at mum's. all our love
nan and gramp
Gary , Tracy & Emma
Hi Rea ,
A Very Happy Birthday To You !
Been following your progress and looks like your having a fab time judging by yours pics you,ve obviously seen some amazing sights with more to come no doubt.How hot is in Oz right now ? gotta be better than here thats for sure.Hope you have a extra special day Wednesday and have a day to remember.
Bye for now , lots of love
Gary,Tracy & Emma
Hi ya both
Its nice to hear from you both, How sun burnt are you yet? did Mary get off ok on Thursday 10th April,
Did Rea say that you are both going backs to Pete's for her birthday?thats a bit sad going to Ramsey street made me laugh though.
thought you may of put more photos on of Sydney. whats happening here, we are waiting for the carpet and curtains , for the lounge, just got to paint the walls and then we will at long last be finished down stairs, I will speak to you girls again, once I have a reply