Hey dad...
Give me a chance..
Am putting some more stuff on there. Have been bit distracted as got that travel bug again!!! Won't get back to meeting up with Pete for my birthday..Gem's got some stuff planned I think!! (and to be honest I'd rather have a day of what I want)
So how long do you think you'll have left on all of it (the hall and that??)?
Well Sydney...the best way to describe that was amazing. Think Opera house, Bondi Beach, Manly beach, Sydney Harbour bridge. oh.. and did I tell you.. I stupidly booked our hostel in the red light district among the strip bars and prostitutes. Well only I could do that!!! Ops!! Gems face was a bit shocked when she realised bless her.
Had some amazing moments on the beach with the boarding, yet Gem seemed to get all the good waves. Send all my love to mum as well. Love you both. Loads of hugs xox
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