Hi folks, we now have our Stationwagon. Should be interesting living in the back of a car for a few weeks! Have driven from Sydney to Melbourne over 4 days and met up with Lloyd & Gavin who we used to work with. The car broke down of the third day, luckily the owned paid for the new battery. Weather a bit mixed now as it's the start of autumn so you can all stop being jealous now. Yes Stephen we are still figuring the camera out!! Gavin and Ian just sneaked into the Grand Prix under the fence, just the trials today. all off for a pint of Guiness now. Tomorrow we are heading off down the Ocean Road we'll let you know how far we get as the car is 24 years old and falling apart (it's not that bad, don't worry) Will update in a few days and hopefully add some pictures from Sydeny and Melbourne, Ian took about 40 of the Opera House and Bridge! xx Our new Email address is [email protected] as well as this log.
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