Thanks for all of your concern......the noise behind the curtain.......I found it in the morning........even though I couldn't find a thing at first, when I shook out the large drapes a mid sized gecko finally went flying across the room. Poor little guy - just about an 8 incher, hanging on desparately, probably well rested because I left the bathroom light on and they usually work all night, in the dark, eating bugs so they are very welcome.
Tonight - all quiet so far and I have the window wide open so little buddy can come back and get to work through the night. I don't mind them if they stay on the walls and don't run over my body. I can't believe the big voice the little guy had - maybe a Karaoke Gecko as Karaoke is very big here. As many Karaoke studios as there are Subway's at home.
Next will be some pictures from today's all day bike trip into the country and a 2 hour row on a river, through some spectacular landscapes and caves.
Spent the day with my new friend Andrea from Holland. Even though she purported herself to be an expert map reader.....we spent quite a bit of time lost in the countryside. Did not fall in today so that was good and when we went by the cemetery where I left the alarm shrilling, all was quiet. The dead can rest again.
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