Good Morning Beijing!!!
Arrived after a very long one yesterday. 6 am flight to Vancouver then a 5 hour layover before my noon flight to Beijing. Mucho thanks to Val for meeting me in Vancouver and taking me for brekkie - it was even earlier for her as I forgot about the time difference! I did get to meet her new puppy who she is training for drug work - she is lovely.
Non descript full flight to Beijing - 12 hours on a very small plane - I didn't think those 263's could do that distance. the best part was it was clear and sunny the whole way and it was possible to see Alaska then Russia and then Siberia - absolutely stunning. We also could see lots of the incredible mountains of China and Tibet??? for the few hours before landing - incredible scenery and huge huge mountain peaks. Took pics - hope they show a little of the beauty.
The Beijing airport was unbelievable as was the view of the city coming in - everything seems brand new and lego like - hope to see some old stuff today. Was picked up right on time by my Hostel and after a half hour drive in was deposited here at the Happy Dragon. Most obvious thing.......It is very very very cold here. Even in my room. There is a heater but it is installed at the ceiling and I am sure the ceiling is nice and warm....the rest - not so much. I had also forgotten about Asian shower stall or doors - just a tiny nizzle over the toilet (no toilet paper either) and if you shower or use the water it pours all over everything - like on a cruise, except much colder.
I wore all my clothes, touque, socks, longjohns and am loving my new down jacket/pillow combo. Still was too cold to get up and am really happy I am headed to warmer climes.
I don't feel the jet lag... yet - didn't sleep on the plane as I had to take a decongestive ( yup - went to the Vancouver airport pharmacy) cause my ears nearly exploded coming into Vancouver - serious pain - I have only had that once before in Mexico when I had a severe sinus infection. Oh well - pharmacist fixed me up but those drugs make me wired so sleep........waiting for a crash in a couple of days. Ears good.
Heading out right now to find an ATM, Tainnamen Square and the metro - the City, the airport and everything is jamb packed because of New Years and freakin cold. Did I mention I was really cold?. I rather be really hot. Ok, when I am hot I will remember this. In fact last night, jacked up on my decongestives and wearing my full array of clothing - I kept praying for a hot flash - damn, if only they were programmable.
Stop worrying now - I am on Asian soil and putting my mitts and hat on and getting ready to join the throngs....and buy toilet paper...that hose thing???? Maybe nice in the summer. Winter? Just wet and cold!!!!
Tomorrow Great Wall!!!!!
Love, D.
- comments
janice21 you're really there!!! Oh my brave, beautiful, blonde ball of fire! You made it! And your poor ears. :( The only way I can handle those long journeys is to sleep and you were wide awake. Good to hear that the decongestants actually worked though - that could have been hell! I love that you're staying at a place called the 'Happy Dragon'! Very well suited indeed and a good omen to the start of your trip. I'm sorry it's so bloody cold over there. Good thing you brought what you did but yeah, you need to find some HOT, exotic beaches ASAP! And the bathrooms - SO funny! I remember how stressed I was about those (and the hoses! WTF?!?!) Hilarious! It's all about the experience, my friend, the good, the bad, and the messy. :) Did you hear back about the elephant trip in Chiang Mai yet? Have you thought about where you want to start? If you're gonna head straight south from Bangkok, let us know and I'll make a list of a few of those islands and beaches that are easy really access and oh so amazing. Oh how I miss you...oh how I wish I was there! I am so excited for you! Try to keep warm as you dazzle the Chinese around town and pictures, pictures, pictures! I love that you're blogging already - you are a superstar! Am on pins and needles waiting for the next update. Miss you, love you, and so freaking proud of you!!! xoxo
bcseadogs Adventure Girl Okay- now I feel bad about teasing you about your down jacket... I am sending you warm thoughts :~) Have lots of fun- what an inspiration you are! Val