Monday 2 April 2012
I got up at 6:00 to try and catch the birds before my 7 am breakfast, after which I took a lot of photos and videos of the hummingbirds!
I also managed to get some photos of some tanagers, barbets and a squirrel at the front of the lodge. You could get so close to the hummingbirds, you could easily touch them (20 centimetres or so thereabouts). If you stood or sat still long enough, you would even get a few almost "investigating" you as they hovered near you. I felt one almost touch me as it brushed by.
I think I've taken over a hundred and even if they're not all perfect, I think I will have difficulty in deleting them: it will probably take a great deal of sifting through. That doesn't even include the ones that I have already deleted before backing up all of the "final" photographs and movies.
Anyway, all good things must come to an end, and even I had to stop taking photos at some point, which was after lunch (typical Ecuadorian offering of soup followed by rice, fried plantain, lentils and salad, followed by a dessert of tinned peaches topped with fresh strawberries).
My camioneta came just a bit early and had the cheek to repay my return custom by charging me an extra dollar. I was let off near the bus to Quito (at my request) and as soon as I made it onto the bus, it left for Quito.
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