Left Koh Lanta on 31st October after 3 nights of chilling, saving money and wasting some time. It wasn't our most favourable of places but it served its purpose well. We arrived at the next destination of Ao Nang, Krabi which is back on the mainland of Thailand. The air con van journey here was an interesting one, being transferred from the island via 2 localised barge/car ferry things. We were dropped off in Krabi Town to find the local bus stop on our own which turned out to be no more than a boxed area in front of a shop! We rode the public bus, with school children and locals jumping on and off as we travel down the winding road to Ao Nang beach. The beach is good apart from when the tides out because you have to walk about a mile to be able to swim! Also its rained everyday since we've been here, not all day, but its still warmer than back home!
We're staying above Bernie's Place a restaurant in the middle of the strip, its our cheapest yet at around 2 pound 80p a night, get in! The cheap digs come with a price though as we have had encountered the shared bathroom for the first time so far, shared with 5 other rooms and Bernie's employees getting ready for work! I think they've finally noticed we're staying there as on many previous occasions they've tried to sit us down with a menu at a table for dinner. But we just carry on past the kitchen and up the stairs to our room which is actually not bad at all except for the ants!
As you'll notice from the photos we've had a good night out here as there are plenty of bars nearby. We've also taken residence at a local hawker stall which provides cracking curries at 60p a pop. Its really cool as you sit at the solitary table watching them prepare your food from a kitchen that is balanced on and around a motorbike! The eating out all the time is getting a bit much so we've decided local cuisine is definately the way forward.
Went to Ao Nang Stadium on Friday night to watch some real Thai boxing. The earlier bouts were contested by boys of around the age of 13, or that's what it looked like?! It looked very painful with all the kicks flying about and the sound of the slapping when clean connections were made. There were also kids in the audience shouting everytime the home boxer made a strike. We were also sat behind the side of the ring where all the locals were placing bets on the fights.
Finally today we thought we'd endure a thai massage for an hour on the beach! It's a hard life! Gem got a face massage too and Chris had his feet cleaned, about time! We're off to another beach called Rai Ley beach which is a ten minute long-boat ride in the morning for a few days to soak up a bit more sun! That's if the rain stops that is!
Hope all is well back at the ranch and hi dee hi campers!!
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