So onwards and upwards as they say, next stop the west coast glaciers, seems like such a long time ago now!
On the west side of the island there are 2 huge glaciers formed by the constant battering of winds and rain travelling across the sea. They're not too far apart in themselves, about 20km and although you can't really see the top of them cos of the cloud and moutains it really was worth a look, well it's not everyday u see a glacier now is it?? So we camped out in a little rest area the night before, got up bright and early to see them, as u can probably tell from the photos we do actually look like we've just rolled out of bed!
U can actually do tours up these glaciers but a couple of tourists died a couple of weeks back so we thought we'd save our money for something a little more jumping out of a plane at 15000ft!!! It was great to see these huge formations up the moutains and u could get up nice and close so it was all good! The weather was very kind to us and we got a great view.
Next stop up the west coast was Punankaiki and the Pancake Rocks. Another geologcal formation caused by the sea. It was really windy when we stopped to have a look around the coastline, and it was peeing down with rain too but we stayed for an hour or so just to take some pics. The good thing with doing trips like these is, not only is it free but they have all the informatoin boards n stuff so you actually know what your looking at, maybe not very interesting for you guys back home, but for us its great!!!
So after the west coast it was onwards to a place called Picton which is about as far north as you can go, and this is where we caught the ferry along with our camper to the North Island, and the capital city of Wellington. The crossing was a bit adventurous, the straights that we crossed are apparently one of the most dangerous crossings, it was a tad choppy. Apparently our trip was a good one as normally theres quite a few people throwing up over the side! But we made it across in one piece, it felt like we were supposed to be getting off at the IOW or something!
So we stayed in Wellinton a few nights, not really much to report, just another city, same weirdo's wandering the street, although no one mentioning anything about suicide this time. But there was a... i'm not sure how to say without being politically incorrect??? .... but lets just say a 'foreign' man was stood in the middle of the street covering himself with a a flag of somesort like a shawl, but it was over his head and was holding a rose??? He was stood here for ages watching everyone walk past.... weird ay? Oh and there was also another guy that approached Chris, looked a bit skanky and asked Chris for 50 cents so when Chris gave it to him, he just turned around and walked into BK to get a burger....god we're such mugs sometimes we thouht he was homeless or something... nope just another city scav!!!
So after spending a few nights here, a trip to the cinema to watch norbit and a few days chillin at the campsite we were on the move again, deciding to head straight for Taupo... straight for the good stuff!
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