Closed the gap to 4 -3 with stunning hard fought badders victory with jammy net cord to win 15 -13.
marks team beat clifford 6 -0 jack bagged a brace with a stumming Henry style curler into the top corner.
Hello lads,
Sorry i haven't written til now! I can't stay long cos its the last day of passover and i have to make some vol au vonts! Just thought i'd let you know that mine and laura's sunflowers are much taller tham paul and debs', even tho they had a weeks head start!
Have fun, and i'll keep up to date with the blogs more often.
See ya later,
Mum & Dad (Mark & Nicky)
Hiya Guys
Hope you are really enjoying your time in Thailand - the islands are breath taking!!
We have just got back from Sydney - you will love it. I was a real tourist while there taking photos constantly, but hey you have to keep a reord of the memories!!
So, let me know your flight details, arrival time in Singapore etc and we can meet you at the airport.
It will be so good to see you and catch up on all your adventures. Safe journeys.
Love Mum & Dad xxxxxxxxx
hi intrepid adventurers,
You seem to have disappeared off the end of the world!! Where are the pictures, really need to see where you are, how the tans getting on,it seems that the only ones reading this blog are gossip girl & jce!!!
Its hard to keep chatting when noone replies in the end you give in!!!
Ive been to the hairdressers for 4 hours today, but got nowhere to go. You know your getting older when it takes that long!!& no i didnt have extensions! So im sat alone upstairs writing to you> Rosie & pals are in the dark watching & screaming very loudly at some scary movie, so didnt fancy that! Dad, jak & nd toby are on another installment of THE CHALLENGE, badminton didnt fancy thet either!! But wasnt invited!!
So having a spare moment thought id spend it with you!!! Joking. What good quiet company you are!! No seriously your loudness is very sorely missed, the chaos you bring has gone. so send us some!!
Nothing much changes here apart from seem to have a mystery leak through the kitchen ceiling from somwhere under the bath, we are waiting for chip to save us!!Rosies got exams next week so no doubt its a weekend full of revision! Then there Jaks exams looming, so hes upping the revision in order to get better grades than you! Hes been going driving in dads car, I havnt been brave enough to go yet! I might have to consume large quantities of gin when I get back tho.
Im going to stop waffling now as scared youll think its gay this blog stuff!!
Gossip Girl how did the intervew go?
Much love Joe, to GK just keep sanexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
alright boys! no update since full moon party? got a bit mental hey!
went out for a few drinks with big p and co, checked out the sights and sounds of a local thurs. just walked into furby phils room a second ago n theres sick everywhere!! what a twat!
gk- bit of trivial news for you pal, hartley was mentioned on the apprentice on weds, obviously the business capital of kent! also saw josh wellar live on weds just by chance, n he was actually well good. thought ud be happy at that!
me andy n jce are taking on oxford footy tourno this sat. will tell you how it goes but i reckon its gonna be plain sailing to the finals!! hope its all going well out there bet youre having a wicked time xx
Big Si
Otley Update for JCE and ofcourse for Joe and GK !!
Just come back from Bodyshop party at telephone Sex girls house and muchj fueled by wine and beer. Off to bed but up for a little bit of blogging if not snogging!
It appears that Otley rovers won their league cup final, Dobby scored, Jack played full 90 for 2nds but didny score. They played better than United but that wouldnt be hard, what a crap match that was!!
Rosie got a B in recent Science modular GCSE exam so thats pretty good. Mum and Nicky went on a booze cruise to Calais so the house is full up with wine and beer, just ready for barny and the lads to sup when they come up on Saturday for Dons birthday and the otley run!!
Toby as usual is expected back for the weekend hes got a couple of exams but will soon be finished and back for the summer. Barnaby will be back soon he was in southampton last weekend where Munzie ended up in hospital on the saturday night. ive not got the full story yet but he may have ended up in casualty.
On a sad note I found out today that Greengrocer John " Runner bean" round the corner from the butchers is closing his shop in 2 weeks. He says theres no business in Otley and it will get even worse when sainsburys opens in September.
Anyway off to bed now take care
Mum and dad
George, it's your brother speaking. I have just found thiis site.
Sounds like you're having fun. Not much news here really, have just been chilling out and had a few leaving drinks and birthday drinks and things like that.
Muy Vale are going along well. we have womn our last two games 10-1 scored some great goals aswell. We have now won 23 games running and we're top of the league by 12pts. Hopefully we can win every game this season but there are a couple of teams we beat in the first round of games who were pretty good and probably desperate to beat us this time round so maybe not.
Anyways i'd better go - will check the sight again soon.
Have fun in thailand and singapore - make sure you go to the zoo in singapore, its probably the best thing there
Sounds like you were getting pretty extreme climbing this cliff! im sure you could give bear grylls a run for his money (but probably not ray mears).
Things here are good. Gossip girl is getting ready for her big interview down in London, which is creating a quite intense atmosphere at home as im sure you both can imagine. I am currently finding refuge in the gym (garage).
Went out on saturday to the Jam House - club owned by Jools Holland in B'ham, it was jazz and funky piano live music etc.. was very cool you guys would surely dig it. Definitely getting some groove on.
Enjoy the good weather, we are having on/off rain, which is generally ridiculous this time of year.
Me, Nickoala and Andy are off to Oxford on saturday, im looking forward to hanging in lufbra at the wknd, me and nick agree its the best thing to have happened since your guys going away weekend. You will be missed both on and off the pitch! I will provide you with a full report on the weekend - including andy's shinanigans!
Also, I would like to add I find reading Big Si's messages very entertaining and it is nice to know whats happening with the Wood family back in Otley, without Joe around to give us the full updates... so keep us informed Big Si! Will Jack play well for Gary's team (ofcourse), will they win? I'm eagerly awaiting the report.
Back to Work.. XX
Big Si
Hey up lads
Friday nite and we are ready to go out to the Cinema. We are off to see 21.
We watched Jacks team last night who beat Burley Trojans 3 nil. Jack was awesome, scored one made one and dominated the midfield. Hes off to play for Garys team tomorrow. Will you get to watch Champions League next week?
Mum is of to Calais on a yum booze cruise with Nicky on Sunday.
Toby is once again back for the weekend however the course of true love does not seem to be running smoothly at the moment.
Oli is working, hes just called and is ok i think Katy has packed her job in and is moving back to Halifax shortly.
Barnaby Toby Oli and I went to the dogs on Monday but we didnt back any winners. Barnaby is back in Nottingham presumably in a drunken haze this weekend.
Rosie is her usual self and is made up that there is a teachers strike next week which means theres no school on Thursday.
Anyway got to go now
much love mum and dad
Gossip Girl
gossip girl apologises for her mistake of 'two in one day', her days are merging together as a result of her extreme busy-ness. it is not easy being gossip girl, And who am I? That's one secret I'll never tell. You know you love me. Xoxo, Gossip Girl
Gossip Girl
good evening souther east siders
two in one day, gossip girl certainly is a busy bee!
news just in, jonny has turned into what i can only describe as a girlie fruitcake. He has been spotted describing things as 'lush', and fequent 'lol' ing has been occuring. i can only attribute this behaviour to the abscence of his 2 bezzie mates G and J. Whilst G and J are travelling the world in hope of finding their true selves, it appears J is finding his true self on his very own doorstep.
It is not certain how badly this will detioriate over the next four months, but one thing is for sure, Gossip girl will keep you informed.
xoxo gossip girl
Hey guys,
Sounds like ko phagnan is good fun! the beach huts sound lush. you haven't pushed the boat out and gone for the a/c then just the FAN (lol).
Yes i have made the garage into a gym but i am doing it evry other nite so i am not addicted (thanks gossip girl!). feeling healthier though so thats good.
I think im going to play in that oxford brookes footy tournament next saturday. hen's team need another player so i thought that'd be a good idea! il let you know how it goes. it certainly isn't the nice weather we had last year!
yes where are the funny stories?! ie. silly activities from nights out?!
and ofcourse there must be some silly antics?! lol..
yes safety first boys, then fun and learning.
how about the scuba diving? have you bin doing ne yet?!