Hi peeps. Pics are awesome, looks very cold up in the mountains! Happy B'day for a few weeks ago Trent, sorry it's a bit late, I did remember on the day but got distracted and never got around to sending you a message. Anyways, Giz only 4 days till you're 28. You guys are a bunch of old farts! Have fun.
My Skype name is craigbusbridge. I am on and waiting?
We are home now. I have had Skype for years. We are well and glad to be home. Brisbane seems so clean quite and empty. I gave mum a copy of your instructions.
Catch you later.
Hey Guys,
just read your Latest Blog - awesome - and takes me back! Indian men are dodgy, I hope you have learned to wear a bit more now including long sleves and all otherwise I imagine T-Mac will be rumbling in the Jungle
Life here is good - moved into a place in Bondi last w/end and just have the BBQ to celebrate the return home - looking forward to hostingyou when you get back!
F'n Mancs!!
Hi Guys!
OMG i am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo jealous right now...... it is 11.45pm here, just got home from work and about to do an assignment and i just read your Nepal blog!!!! It looks amazing, i am so going back there asap!!
Hope you are having a fab time
Take care
Kylah xo
Hi guys, what a trip you seem to be having so far. So much to see. How's it going are you home sick yet ????? yer right !!!!!
I just love the photo's and enjoy catching up with what you are doing, I will probably never get to where you are going so keep the photos coming so I at least get to see what the world has to offer.
Sorry it's taken a while to get back to you but time flies, works been busy.....for me anyway. family sick, lots to do know time to do it, you know how it is......oh yer....well, maybe not right now....but you did. Just joking I honestly hope you are having a ball and think you guys are great for doing it.
Keep well, keep happy and keep in touch. Missing you at work, Lozza x
Dan Crompton
Happy Birthday big fella for the other day. Hope everything is going well. Fliss had a good mothers day with the kids. Sorry about the Tigers getting beaten by the Bronc's a few weeks ago.
Okay so my computer just went nuts, I started typing a message and it just developed a mind of its own and decided to post what i had started writing about 10 times? Anyway, as i was going to say, its good to hear you are travelling well! The photos of your bike ride in the mountains and around the farm look awesome!
Not much happening here is Brissie. Monday was a public holiday and so Cromptons, Mcleans and Izmir and I met up at Wynnum and had fish and chips. Charli is running around everywhere now, and her hair gets red-er every time i see her! Izmir took some really good pic's of the kids, so i'll email them to you.
Anyway, I need to get back to work, lots to do!
Hi ho
Hi Guys,
Sorry we have missed all of your calls. I think we have answered a few but there has been no response ....!! Keep trying we'll get it soon. Kids would love to hear from you. They think that you are just hanging out in a plane all this time! Love hearing about all your adventures.
DAD - no call from Eric yet. Obviously the man is in no hurry to get his new set of wheels. Sounds like you are having fun.
Jordy's squealling so I must go.
Love to you all,
Yan, Anth, Bos and Jord
Mum And Dad
Hi Guys,
We stayed at Madam Cuc in Saigon, right next to Le Trung and coincidentally where Janette and Macca stayed. Great place, good value. Trained to Nha Trang had a mud bath, good stuff, coral reef dead, beaches not so good, Vin Pearland (theme park) very ordinary, but we do have all that stuff in Qld. Flew to DaNang road to Hoi An. Thats a nice place, hooned arround like a 18 yo on the bike with mum on the back. Bussed to Hue (said Whey), just got in, hiring a bike tomorrow. I think they need to scope out their tours a bit, seems that you spend all day travelling for n hours worth of visit. Any how we are having fun.
Mum n Dad
Pho dung ho flu bein quan vinh thia binh ...I have lost it
Hi guys
Wedding anniversay and Birthday went well. got to bed 2.30am. Mostly everyone dressed up in RETRO and it so added to the night's fun and laughter. We have the best friends just so lucky. The food at Al Samar was amazing and everyone had favourable comments. I forgot to use the entertainment ticket. Next time. Love and God bless you both xxxxx