Columbo- Sri Lanka
When we arrived in Colombo we weren't allowed out of the airport because technically we were in transit. However we said we had a hotel booked, which we didn't, but we soon found our way to one and managed to catch up on the sleep we had lost getting up so earlyto go to the airport!
We stayed in this hotel right on the beach, which would have been beautiful except… within literally an hour of being there, and half way through our attempt to explore the shops a huge storm hit and we had to go back to the hotel!
Natalie went to sleep, oblivious to it all while I sat out on the balcony and watched thestorm, which made me feel somewhat like a child again but who cares! I could see the sea from where I was sitting, it was pretty cool. It literally did not stopraining till the next morning when we left at 6am to go back to the airport.
Much to our anger, the plane that was suppose to be leaving at 9am had been cancelled and Sri Lankan airways did not think to tell us the day before! This meant we had 10 hours to kill in the airport till the next flight! They provided us with breakfast and we did some shopping. The shops did not accept Sri Lankan money, despite being in the main airport of Sri Lanka, so all we could us is visa's as there was no cash machine either!
After a long day of doing nothing, we finally boarded around 3pm and set off for Thailand.
We were due to arrive in Bangkok at 8pm their time!
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