I am sorry for such a delay with the blog, I have been so busy and it has been really hard to get on the internet!
Kuala Lumpur
My journey from Koh Samui to Kuala Lumpur was definitely the most tiring so far! I had to get a ferry to the mainland, then a bus to another dingy town and then another bus to Phuket to catch a my flight which left at 9pm. I set of at 8am and everything was fine until the second bus decided to stop by the side of the road for 2 hours without warning. The drivers promised me it would not be a long stop but it went on for hours. In the end I had to bribe them to take me to Phuket airport sooner because it was getting to the stage where I was literally going to miss my flight!
Luckily I arrived in plenty of time and caught the plane. The flight was really short and I arrived in Kuala Lumpur miles away from my hostel at around 12, except I didn't realize I had lost an hour, so after a 1hour drive to the city It was the early hours of the morning. I was so tired after travelling all day, and luckily again for me the hostels was lovely and I even had my own room.
After catching up on some sleep I went to explore the city the next day. There were designer shops everywhere, it was so different to Thailand, and felt much more like reality! I spent the day exploring the malls and then went back to the hostel and watched a film on the sofas with a couple of the other travelers. It was so nice to just chill out, it felt like home! I also met this South-African girl who was so nice, she was telling me about her travels which had lasted almost 4 years, she had been everywhere it was so interesting to hear her stories. One story however, of the time she was robbed of all her possessions in South America definitely put me off travelling over there alone! EEK!
The next day I had a bus ride to Melaka which was fairly small and really quiet. I think I must have picked the wrongtime of yearto travel there! I spent most of the time wandering the streets which were lined with random shops selling everything from tourist gifts to ancient antiques, it was quite perculia, but very oldy-worldy which was really nice to see. I explored St Peters church the place St Xavier , which is at the top of this huge hill and looks out on all the city, as well as Stadyhurst, which was quite interesting. Apart from that there is not much more to say about Melaka, except to mention how the cute tuk-tuk bikes were- they were everywhere and covered in flowers, bells and baskets!
It was a bit of an eventful journey to Singapore especially on the public bus from Melaka, because nobody spoke English and I had no idea where I was suppose to get off or even where the bus was suppose to stop. I had ditched my lonely planet in Thailand and was too stubborn to by a Malaysia or Singapore book so I spent the entire time just winging it, I thought it would be more fun that way! Anyway, what made it strange was the trip through customs on the bus, I really hadn't anticipated getting my passport stamped again, and so when the driver told me to get off the bus and drove away with my bag you can imagine the concerned/worried/ omg look on my face!
When I finally arrived at the hostel I went exploring and basically foundshop after shop. There was so many malls around. I didn't get to see much more of the sights as I had to walk everywhere, but it was a nice few days. The most interesting thing about the trip to Singapore was getting my hair cut! I was so nervous as the guy that did it did not speak that much English! I sat down in that chair and the woman started washing my hair in front of the mirror with shampoo in one hand and a squeeze-bottle of water in the other, it was very strange! Then she finally took me over to the sink, which made me feel a lot happier, as I didn't have a clue what she was doing to my hair! The hair stylist seemed to know what he was doing, yet I still sat there quaking in my flip flops! An hour later I came out with my hair still intact, so all was well, but it was a very bizarre experience!
Overall my time in Malaysia and Singapore were pretty chilled out and most of the days revolved around shopping, but it was a nice break after Thailand! I guess I was just excited to get to Australia!
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