Right then we have finally moved away form the tourist mecca that is Kuta, up inland a little more, where it decides to rain a lot!! Our accommodation this time is our own split level (so when you are in the bedroom upstairs you look down over the downstairs) with a litle balcony right at the edge of a little river and mini jungle!! Very nice!! At 7 pounds, you cant really go wrong .... or can you. If you ask Sarah then she may say something slightly different. Now the problem with being by a jungle is the bugs like to come and live on the nice cosy bungalows - in their masses!!! Including these giant ants!!!
As those of you who know Sarah can imagine, her night's 'sleep' last night was less than sleepy! She spent half the night awake spraying anti brumm (our german bug spray we found one day that really enjoys getting right in your lungs!!) and panicking about the bugs - one time was especially justified with this MASSIVe spider living behind our headboard!! Now i am no fan of spiders, and it takes an awful lot of courage to beat the living s**t out of one with my flip flop at close range, accentuated by the fact that their spiders have the ability to jump .... that means they can get on your face before you know it!!!! NOT NICE!! But needless to say, the hero i am, i killed it good and fed it to the giant ants!
Bug problems aside we are having a wicked time. We went to a temple today and yesterday to see the 300 resident monkeys all running around which was good fun. The reason we went twice was the torrential downpour we had yesterday - it was so bad the place was flooding ... we tried to live it out under a shelter shared by a few monkeys, but it was relentless. We decided to make a break for it back up the hill to our home (this hill being very tough as we found out on arrival to Ubud - a 1 mile uphill trek with all of our bags in 30+ heat and 90% humidity!! We were dripping with sweat, so much that we missed our hotel and did an extra 500 yards!!!).
The second time in the monkey sanctuary was much better, although this time no monkeys attacked Sar, which is no fun. The day before one made a grab for Sar's water bottle, so she tried to feed it some - he wanted more than Sar wanted to give - i think that is the best picture i can paint of the following escapades, needless to say, Sarahs level of aggression and unwillingness to lod\se anything she has paid for prevailed and the monkey scarpered, leaving a brightly beaming Sarah. I had a few monkeys jumping on me, and one even had a bit of a nibble on my arm - luckily his teeth were not sharp!!
No plans now except to pay more money for a place with no bugs and to see a traditional dance show - oh and we want another mask, problem is i HATE bartering, i really cannot be bothered with it!!!
Till next time
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