Gingerblonde travels
London, UK
Well here we are still in the UK and frantically trying to get our act together for our Gingerblonde World Adventure!
Which way we are to go seems like the hardest decision to make and we have now narrowed it down to two......
Stay in touch to find out which way we go.....
- comments
LaShawnda Hi sheryl, I just got back from just a few days in Panama and just about erovyene except me checked huge amount so luggage. I packed one Ex Officio long sleeve shirt, one sleeveless, and one long pair of pants that zips off into shorts. (Plus their underwear.) They felt totally comfortable in the 90+ degree weather and 100% humidity. And so easy to wash in my room before dinner and they were dry by the time I returned.
Giuliana I love playing WoW, but I don't unetnsdard this obsession with making the world seem large .I'd rather have interesting, non-repetitive gameplay in a relatively small area (even a single city)as compared to vast wastelands with long running times and little to see along the way(The Barrens, Silithus, etc.)I did that Linken quest, but only in the interest of full completion. Certainly the boomeranghad little to offer my Feral Druid tank. Perhaps when Paladins had no ability to ranged pull(a glaring oversight on Blizzard's fault that was eventually fixed), it was useful. On the other hand, this brings up one of my few complaints about WoW its inability to take itself seriously. Sure, Nintendo fanboys loved this quest, and others like the constant pop-culture references to things like Land of the Lost, Conan, even Paris Hilton and her dog in World's End Tavern in Shatt. Me? I would have preferred that WoW be about Warcraft lore. There's plenty to see and do without resorting to cheap laughs (the same reason I disliked large sections ofShrek 2). YMMV.