Amanda's Adventures
Hello there again.
I'm even impressing myself that I've already sent two messages. at the airport waiting for an internal flight from Mumbai (thank goodness!) to Goa. Had quite an experience so far. am getting alot of attention for my hair and freckles, but nothing too intrusive. actually everyone has been really nice. Apart from the people who are obviously trying to rip us off, the people seem really nice here and as you can imagine we have already made plenty of friends!!! I think its the fact that we walk around with big smiles on ou faces all the time.
Its very hot and its been a bit wierd getting our heads around the climate/ time difference/ locals, but I'm absolutely loving it, what en experience!!! Apart from the fact that I'm missing everyone like mad its just like being on holiday, and hopefully Goa will be a bit more like wht we are used to.
Mumbai was a big culture shock. There is so much poverty. People and animals live side by side in the streets and there are beggars everywhere. It takes some getting used to. Our hotel a bit rubbish. We booked it from England so we thougt it would be better, but we did get some comfy beds and made the most of it. Jen spent time chasing cockroaches around and exterminating them- safe to say she won, or rather her shoe did!Our 'ensuite facilities' consisted of a dodgy toilet and a tap which worked (sort of) which was a pity as after such a long journey all we wanted was a shower. aghh well- better get used to it! Got baby wipes anyway so its not too bad, a least we can freshen up!
Anyway, all in all I am loving it here. Its just like the films I've seen and I can't wait to explore more. Just hope we can get better accomadation when we get to Goa (its more Western so I am sure we will) .
will try and update you again soon. we haven't really done anything that exciting yet, so my photos are of our grotty room.
Take care and speak soon.
ps, my phone is playing around so I will try to be in contact.
Amanda xxx
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