Thanks for your message, didnt think you were far away, I am now 10 weeks, and feelin great. Off Sking & Snowboarding in Perisher with the gang for my birthday this weekend.
You guys look like you are having an amazing time, I am jelous because I havent been far yet and I have been here nearly a year.
Any how down to bizooo, weekend of 7th August sounds great, need to know where your staying and if you want to get out of town or just eat drink and catch up in the beautiful city of Oz.
Dave is looking forward to meeting you guys and I am busting, cant wait. My mobile Number is (0061) 4 272 99 778 Home (0061) 2 6295 8749. Email [email protected], here from you soon. xxx
Kim Randall
Hello Again Guys!
Thanks for your email Suzanne :) Just wanted to let you know that you have a place to stay with us when you arrive in Adelaide, no need for you to look for accomodation.
So pleased you enjoyed the Great Barrier Reef :) It is quite amazing isn't it? Take care both of you, look forward to reading & seeing more photo's, speak to you soon.
Lots of Love,
Vicks & Kofi
Hello my lovlies
Looks like your having a fab trip, Em's is right it is quite digusting here and I'm actually, for the first time, dreaming of cold frosty mornings!
I'm quite jealous of you guys and really admire the fact that you have got up and done it. How's Steve coping with the locals-can he understand them and has he been called Stevo yet?
No news re Kofi, Job wise, but I went for an interview for an amazing job and I just know if I get offered it, we'll be moving!
Looking forward to your next installment from the travelling Gibsons.
Missing you guys loads.
Love Vicks and Kofi. XX
Hi darlins,
U r doing a good job keeping us up todate, hope your fall wasn't too bad, was that before or after a drink! Have you caught up with your sleep, obviously I am thinking of you, don't go wandering off on your own in the Blue Mountains.
I'll send an email after I been to my 'do' on Saturday. take care.
Love you, Mum XXX
Hi Suzanne
Did you feel the earthquake
love wincey weather xxx
I have just logged onto this, the sky is grey with dust, its 100 degrees, my trousers are too tight, im eating chocolate covered raisins and Im am rigid with jealously at your adventure. Not in an Alfred Hitchcock sort of way of course, but whilst Im sat here mulling over a contractor disruption claim and im thinking life could really get much better - I see you guys and figure the whole life balance of fairness here just aint in equilibrium!!!!
Anyway overjoyed to see your both safe and no broken limbs yet from that bird!!!
Thank christ you havent been to Sydney yet, I am writing an email NOW has to the alternative 'Woods' tour.
Stay safe,
love ems and pete xxx
The vigil for you two is still going strong, Pete and I sing Somewhere Over the Rainbow everynight. We sing due north-east. xx
Lisa Rj
Yo guys, how's it going? Sounds like you are larging it up down under at the YMCA karaoke bar! Looking at your photos brings back memories of our big trip 5 years ago, I recognise that white church in the photo and Steve's boots look familiar too. Poor Sues, falling over, I hope that means you'll still be able to throw a few moves on the dance floor when you hit Sydney. We have a succession of guests at the moment but the spare room will be free by the time you get here, also I should know Sydney tourist spots well with all this knowledge I seem to have acquired recently! If you're still in Port Douglas, Mango Jam does great pizzas if it's still there. xx
Kim Everitt
Sounds wonderful so, it is Monday and Monday means work! Oh, and it is about to chuck it down.....enjoy your next chunk of travel and soak up the atmosphere and the local delicacies. I did laugh about Suzanne falling over...brought back many memories.
Kim Randall
Hello Suzanne & Steve,
Glad to hear you have finally touched down in AUSTRALIA MATE! Sounds like you both had a great time in Port Douglas, hope you went to the great barrier reef? Its awesome!!!! Can't wait for you to arrive in Adelaide, it was 1991 since we last saw you both in England :) Take care and enjoy the rest of your travels in Australia working your way down to Adelaide.
Lots of love to you both,
Heloooo :)
Have a lovely time, sounds good already
Haha suzy fell over shamee
Nice pictures nice boots steve :D
Love you loads
Cant wait to see you woo my birthday :)
Way to go Suzy... always know how to make an entrance! Hope you drank off the pain,,, and indulged in the naff Karaoke...:) I miss you imensely but I smile thinking of you and Steveo having an amazing adventure.. I love you miss you and will see you again soon... Who knows, we may come and meet you somewhere! All me lovel and moreski.. Little Laineylou
Sorry we didnt get the chance to see you both before your big adventure. Have a truly brilliant time and look forward to sharing it with you - if only by proxy!