Kofi will be soo pleased to hear about the widgety grub, he was quizzing the Australian guy he works with about them, fortuanately or unfortuanatly he couldn't seem to remember how much money was actually bet!
Kofi has finally made the move to Doha and seems to be liking it - enjoying the work anyway.
All good with me, enjoying the peace and quiet!
Nancy :)
Helooo suzyy?
Hows it going in..... Hanoi? ha i looked on nans sheet of where your going and when :)
Hairs looking nice now, has steve still got his beard?
Where have you been so far? has it been nice wherever youve been or is there any place that arn't so nice? Pictures are looking good.
Im at nannys house now :) as i have a doy off of schooliooo today wopeeeeee
Loveyou lotsss xxxxxxxx
Didn't Pam Ayres do that one about how ...
I wish I'd looked after me teeth
And spotted the perils beneath
All that sweet sticky food
And the toffees I chewed
Oh I wish I'd looked after me teeth! ???
Yes, well. Ho hum. Enjoy! Jillxxx
Hi Steve and Suzanne!
Finally caught up on reading your travels. Sounds like you are having a fantastic time. Long may it continue!
Lots of love
Since when do back packers have champagne and canapes?
Think you're pulling the wool over all our eyes and actually doing a luxury 5 star jaunt!
Claire Bennett
Hi Sue and Steve it all looks bloody great, glad you are having lots of fun, very quiet here ! still at least the weather is cooling down !!! ha ha
take care enjoy love claire xx
I climbed Pam in 1988, splendid, although several blokes had tumbled off her to their death only to be imortalised in metal plaques screwed to her ample rump.
No champagne canapes or hotels then just hardcore camping and enpugh wehey to blow your head off, oh what fun we had!
Hi guys, Still having fun??? The weather here is glorious 23c today and bright blue skys, fantastic. Thanks for the birthday pressie. We go next weekend. Im really jealous now you with the reles. Wheres the pics? Say hi to everyone from us all. Think you must be half way through your trip now. Make the most of it. Love to you both. Be safe.
Love jane XXXXXX
PS. funny how your messages from England always mention the weather!!!!
Paul B
Hey ! Its not rained here for over a week and won't for another so huh!
Your pics made me get our albums out from my visit 16 years back....I also grew a beard then...made me look like Ricky Gervais as well or was it David Bellamy??!!....please keep it and we will shave it off for 'Charity Mate' in the Bull one night....
Suzie, can you maybe just pretend for one photo that you are not enjoying yourself soooo much?
Have a Ball and party my place New Year if you are back in UK!!
Dee Ellis
Hi there, you both look fab, love the hair suzanne really suits you, keep up the blog and have loads and loads of fun. You might never work again!!!!! Take care and look forward to seeing you on your return to Dubai
Kate Done
Hi Suzie and Steve, I have just read your entire blog and I love it. I even felt emotional hearing about the spectacular scenery in NZ. Right there with you!! Not overally happy about your comments on BrisVegas, but hey, it is what it is and it's my home town and I love it!
Keep travelling
Marvellous, short hair goaty beards and lots of adventure. Bit dissapointted that there are no guitar pics around an open fire but you still got time. Can we have surf boards and those frienship bracelet things (old string tied around the wrist) next? Even better Steve on a big off road bike in his leather jacket with Suze hanging off the back casually smoking a fag!
Keep up the good work, see you in the new year, ta ta for now lots of love. Bondy Vic & Bob XXXX