Gibb's Getaway
About Sam
Just a quick one to say Happy Christmas. I hope you are all enjoying the snow, I love watching all the chaos it's causing England on the news.
I've finally got a job sorted and sent off the application for my Visa so hopefully it'll all be go for the New Year. I haven't got much planned for Christmas, I'm going to spend the day with some f…
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New blog entry posted
Auckland, New Zealand
Just a quick one to say Happy Christmas. I hope you are all enjoying the snow, I love watching all the chaos it's causing England on the news.
I've finally got a job sorted and sent off the ap…
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New blog entry posted
Auckland, New Zealand
Kia ora,
Well, I made it into New Zealand but not without a bit of drama along the way. Upon checking into my flight from LA to Auckland I was informed I would not be allowed to get on the pl…

New blog entry posted
New York, New York
So I thought as I just missed my flight and am stuck in the airport for the next five hours I'd get you all up to date with the latest tales from the road.
After New Orleans we headed to yet …

New blog entry posted
New Orleans, Louisiana
Word to my homies (no I don't know why I said that either)
In order to get to Oklahoma we had to drive across the great plains. They really are great and plain. Hours and hours of nothingness…

New blog entry posted
Grand Canyon, Arizona
It's been a crazy few days since my last update, going from one extreme to the other. After leaving San Francisco we headed for Yosemite National Park. I've been told a few times how beautifu…
- last visited

- travel plan
- Cusco, Peru
- Arequipa, Peru
- Ica, Peru
- Lima, Peru
- Huaraz, Peru
- Mancora, Peru
Claire Coburn Gosh... Are you the Junior Gibblet from Plot???