17 hours.....pressure now to get it all packed. Really excited and making a list. First thing on list.....make a list! (Thanks Homer)
When we talk about the trip and say to people that this is our third January trip to Myanmar, firstly they reply, "Where?" and then become intrigued about the pilgrimage and the fact that we are taking students. However, there is this image that all "mission trips" do the much publicised "Building a house?" Sure we will being "doing" lots of things but all involve relationships.
Relationship building is the key to this pilgrimage. Relationships with each other, those we journey to be with, relationship to God and life and ultimately the impact all this will have upon our lives and relationships back here in the present and the future. The pilgrimage also provides an opportunity to reflect upon our past and where we might be led in the future.
I slept in this morning solidly till 4 am. Awoke with a start and thought, "It's not 2nd is it?" There would have been a phone call before too long I'm sure.
Please pray for our group, keep us in your thoughts as we journey and meet the everyday challenges without the everyday supports we have become so reliant on in our First World country?
Until I blog next from Yangon........God bless and thank you for travelling with us
- comments
Anzellino Paula and Lena 2 Hi Bayley and everyone, cant wait till hear all about your great adventure, hope you all are safe and well. Miss you heaps Bayley. love mum and dad