Before we head off to the train, Helen just comments on being back here for the third January in a row....
How wonderful it is to be back in Myanmar. The first big change we noticed was the new airport. It seems that Yangon is moving quickly to welcome the increased number of visitors; the first indication of this was the large "Mingalabar" sign at the customs counter. We have had a great day learning more about the people and culture of Myanmar with our knowledgeable and fluent guide, Saw Chit U. Last year I struggled with the extravagance of the Schwedagon Pagoda which seemed to contrast with the simple origins of Buddhism. I was also experiencing conflict with my own Christian beliefs. While strolling around its grounds and also the Reclining Buddha at another site, I realised that I was not as disturbed this year. It was so good to have deep conversations with Saw and to develop an understanding of the Buddhist faith and the Burmese people. To be able to understand different faiths is so important to understanding other people and their cultures. Thank you Saw!
Just when 3 am seemed a distant memory...... 5.30 arrived.
BUT not everyone heeded the call and after four door knockings... some blurry eyed girls appeared at a door when the first three sets of knocks had seemed like "a dream." The time was now 6.25 am and we were due on the bus with all luggage at 7. To their credit.... they dressed, packed, ate and presented themselves well by 7 am.
The railway station is a left over from colonial times and could have starred in any Bogart/ George Saunders movie. Seeing the economy class, the pilgrims were glad they were in first class, and with seat swivelling, and intricate bag placing became comfortable for the six hour journey ahead
The sights were ever changing and not many have been featured here, but for those who managed to stay awake, they were treated to a mixture of scenes, made ever more colourful by the fact that today is Independence Day and there were celebrations to be seen at every station.
Fresh food was bought and consumed, Uno got a work out, hairstyles were changed and eventually we arrived. Greeted by Fr. Philip on crutches we were glad there were porters and no over the railway bridge to carry our cases. I must say at this stage that we have probably single handedly contributed to the poor back health of many men since we have arrived.
Gasp... Shock Horror....a phone call and no bus for another 45 minutes. So Fr, Philip said.... Can't wait that long...have an adventure" So we loaded up on trikes and away we went. My driver, I was with Katie, lost his phone, went back for it and then didn't know where he was taking us. Luckily, I knew the direction and directed him to our hotel.
Not much rest...into the back of a truckney and off to a hot spicey lunch.... then a visit to the theological college and cathedral. A quick shower and then time with the boarders,and a sumptuous meal at Bishop John and Elisabeth's home where we were gifted Myanmar shoulder bags.
back to the hotel....planning for tomorrow's kindy visits interrupted by several displays of fireworks... and now bed.
Sleep in tomorrow.... 7am
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