Hello everyone,
We have been in Kuala Lumpur for 10days and on Monday we will be traveling down to Melaka for a week. Well your all be glad to hear that yes it has rained everyday but only for an hour. When it rains it’s like a monsoon. It’s very stuffy and the air is heavy. It’s horrible. But apart from that the weather has been fine the rest of the time.
Well we have just been relaxing again. It’s great this traveling lark. We have been to a bird park. This was fun as we got to hold baby Emu's and saw a lot of different bird species. The park is huge and all the birds are allowed to fly freely around. Although they have a huge mesh over the whole park.
We have been to the Petrosains Speed centre again. This was fun and Gemma did very well at a delayed reaction drawing game. Where you wear a helmet so you can’t see but there is a camera attached to the front of the helmet. This records what your eyes would see but delays it by a few seconds. So even the simplest of tasks becomes very difficult. The task was to draw a line and stay within the already pre-drawn lines. A lot of people couldn't do it but Gemma did very well, ahh!
We went back up the Twin Towers sky bridge and it had just stopped raining so we could see quite far. This was good again and as it was windy the bridge sways a little which you can feel. It’s built to sway 10inches either way so it takes the stress off the towers. It’s so high from up there.
The lake park was ok although we thought it would be a lot better. The water of the lake was very brown and didn’t look that nice but we had fun walking around. After we went to the Menara Tower forest walk. This also was ok although we got eaten alive by mossies. We saw some monkeys playing around. We could have watched them for hours. They were so sweet.
Outside the Twin Towers is a huge city park with a lake and a swimming pool. This was a nice walk around although very hot again. It’s so humid here. Possibly about 90% humidity as this is due to all the rain. So we only spent about an hour out there and then went into the shopping centre at the bottom of the towers to cool off and have a very nice smoothie.
Yesterday we decided to go back to the Aquaria. Even though we have done this before it was fun to do it again. We saw things we didn’t see before.
So to sum up, we did a lot of walking, a lot of shopping, a lot of drinking coffee outside cafes while watching the world go by, a lot of eating good food and a lot of fun. We came back to Kuala Lumpur again because we loved it here last time and it has been so nice to spend a lot of time in a city that we love. We have spent over 3 months in 3rd world countries and its a nice change to be in a 1st world city for a long period of time.
We have already booked the trip down to Melaka. We've also booked our accommodation there and even already booked our accommodation for Singapore. So there are no worries now about turning up at a hotel and not getting in! Although that’s only ever happened to us once.
We hope you enjoy the photos. Sorry to the people who found the photos of the Toy Museum in Penang boring? We kind of knew that would happen and suppose we had to make best of something that wasn't really all that!
Speak to you all soon from Melaka. Lots of love and stuff,
Darren and Gemma and George xxx xxx xxx
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