Day 42 June 24th
Martin drove me to the airport and then it was off to Geneva to get picked up by one of Ian's guided Gustav. Got all of my baggage OK and we had to wait around to pick up another of the group who was getting in an hour or so later, so 3 of us who were there went for lunch at a cafe. First try at French was not successful but I got what I wanted without too much hassle. I guess I had better get used to it.
We drove a bit over a hour to Samoens and the chalet and wow what a place. Great village, huge mountains and scenery to die for. We put the bikes together and rode into to town for a beer in the town square. Back to the lodge for champagne and then dinner which was to die for and a great way to finish off the day. They set the bar pretty high with that meal and I'm confident it will be just as good in the future.
Day 43 June 25th
We headed out from the Chalet up the valley on mainly dual tracks, crossing the river a few times and gradually climbing although we didn't really notice it. There was a bit of singletrack towards the end of the valley and the views were spectacular the whole way up. Every time we stopped, the view seemed better than the one before.
At the end of the valley there used to be a bridge to cross the river but it was washed away and we had to walk across the river with lots of rocks and fast flowing water. I didn't worry about taking my shoes off to protect my feet, and it made it reasonably easy to get across. It was about lunchtime so we stopped there and had the baguettes we had made in the morning and it was a great spot. It was mostly downhill on the way back and unfortunately we kept running into a whole lot of kids whenever we seemed to get on some good singletrack.
By the middle of the afternoon we were back in the town square and we then split up into 2 groups, 1 stopping for coffee and 4 of us headed out for another loop. This was pretty much the same type of terrain heading down along the river but then it was a big climb to another village which was pretty tough. The payoff was some nice downhill back into town and a pint of local beer to finish off a great day.
Day 44 June 26th
We were going into Le Gets valley today and the first obstacle was the Col de Joux Plane which was a 1,000 metre climb. After riding up that we were stuffed! Not really - the riding bit I mean, as the bikes and riders were transported by mini bus and trailer to the Col. We then started down into the valley on some roads and some sweet singletrack. At the bottom we bought some lift passes to get back up to the top.
Morzine was going to be the next destination but the forecast thunderstorms were more over that way so we went back down into Le Gets. It was about lunchtime by then so we sat in the village and ate our lunch while the sky was getting blacker above. We had just finished eating and the thunder started along with the rain and boy did it rain. The thunder stopped the lift so we couldn't get back up and it was too wet to go anywhere. If the lifts stopped for the day were going to have a 40km road ride back down that valley and into ours.
Eventually the lift started again and we decided it was time to head back while we could. After getting off the chairlift, I was following reasonably close behind Steve the other guide when he went left off the road just as he passed a cattle grid. I instinctively tried to turn on that track but hadn't cleared the grid and with wet tyres the front wheel washed out resulting in a rather heavy impact with the grid and rocky road that followed. I took it pretty easy from then on as I had taken a chunk of skin off my knee and knew the same had happened to my elbow as I had scraped a hole in my jacket. It was a good ride back down into our valley and had no further incidents.
After cleaning myself up there was a chunk of skin hanging off my knee which I cut off pretty easily but Michelle had to try to cut the skin off my elbow. When she couldn't cut thru it we had a closer look and the flap of skin was actually meaty as well so the group decision was to put some antiseptic cream on it and a tight band aid to keep the skin in place. We will have to wait and see how it goes.
Day 45 June 27th
The forecast wasn't very good for today so we just planned to stay closer to home. It turned out OK so we went over to Le Gets again and with the help of 1 chair lift did a 14km loop behind Secteur Mt-Chery. It had some climbing past some cows with their bells ringing through pasture land and then some pretty nice singletrack which was heaps of fun.
Stopped at a very small chapel and ate our lunch and then on to Morzine to try to get our passes and info for the Pass Portes for tomorrow. Some people ride it on Sat & some on Sun so there is plenty happening on both days. We watched some trials and jumping and headed home via the chairlift and dropped the 1,000 metres back into Samoens and had the obligatory beer in the town square.
Day 46 June 28th
Pass Portes du Soleil MTB event. WOW what a day. We went from town to town catching the chair lifts up to the top of the mountain and riding down to the next town and then doing the same again. Most towns had refreshment stops and you could even have a free beer. It was really well sign posted and there were some sections that had hard and easy options to get down.
We started a Morzine and then went to Les Lindarets, Chatel, crossed the Swiss Border into Morgins, Champoussin, Champery, back across the border to Les Lindarets again, Avoriaz and back to Morzine. There was another loop in Le Gets but we had already ridden that on previous days and also because we were running out of time. We left our chalet at 8:30am and got back at 7:45pm so it was a big but great day.
Day 47 June 29th
Rest day today so the morning was spent giving the bikes a really good clean as every day has had some really wet and muddy sections. I had to replace my disc pads on the front brakes as I had worn them out, so I should be right for a while now.
In the afternoon, Ian, John, Russ and I decided to go air kyaking. This is an inflatable kyak that is suitable for beginners. John is an experienced white water kyaker so it was going to be no problem for him. After our initial instruction, we were off and it wasn't too bad at the start. The biggest problem was going over rocks that caught the kyak and turned it sideways and sometimes turned you over. I did this a couple of times early on but was feeling reasonably confident when we got to the gorge. I knew this was there as we had ridden past it, but what we hadn't seen was the entry into it.
The guide pulled us into the bank to have a look at the entry which was about a 15 foot drop a looked pretty scary. He told us he thought we could do it but we had the option to miss it if we wanted. He then showed us how to do it and even though he made it look easy he still disappeared under the water over the last drop. John went next and Ian & I said we would decide after seeing how John went. He also made it look pretty easy and so the rest of us decided to go for it as well. Russ made it no problem and so did Ian so I was the only one left. I paddled out into the main river and got lined up. It was luck I had a wet suit on as I was crapping my daks. I started to go a bit sideways just before the entrance but managed to straighten it up and the pow I was right in the middle of it. It is a bit of a blur going down over the rocks but I do remember splashing into the main river, being covered in water and popping up and still being upright. It was a big buzz to know that I had made it. Afterwards John said he would have classed it as a grade 3 to 3.5 rapid. Even though that was the hardest part we still had some interesting bits and at one stage I went under some low branches which knocked me out and then I got stuck on a rock which wedged the kyak against another rock with the flow of the water wedging it there. The others were all floating off in the distance and I still couldn't get it free. I had to get out and pull with all my strength to free it and finally head off in persuit.
It was a great couple of hours and we all enjoyed it but weren't sure about it being a rest day.
Day 48 June 30th
We went the opposite direction for today's ride and headed to Samoens 1600 which is a ski area at you guessed it 1600 metres. The van and trailer took us to there and then we went down and up, down and up to some lovely lakes and again amazing views. Stopped at Flaine for lunch and then continued the ups and downs until we finally reached the ridge above our valley and had about 1,000 m descent back home. It was a real blast to finish the ride.
We had a dog do about 2 thirds of the loop with us. He just started following us at one point and we were about 1km from that spot but way downhill on the way back. Luckily there was another dog in a fenced area looking after some lambs and I think our mate was too scared to go past the other dog which was barking at it. I hope he made it home OK.
Day 49 July 1st
The day started out fine and sunny and we decided to do a bit more lift assisted riding today to have a rest after the slog of yesterday. On the way up the col we even got some good views of Mt. Blanc which is not very common. We did a different route down the other valley which was a good combination of single track and fire road with uphills and down. We dropped into Morzine and then got the lift up and went over to Le Gets along some of the trails we had done previously. After a few days of sunshine the trails were just about perfect and we all had a blast down and once again had lunch in Le Gets.
After lunch and one more run the weather was looking a bit threatening so we decided to start heading back and get over the col before it set in. We were at the point of deciding to ride the rest of the way up over the col or to drop down to another chair lift and go up to get some more elevation so that we didn't have such a long climb. The first clap of thunder came then but the lift was still running so we decided to drop down to get it as it was only about a 2 minute run down. Within 1 minute though the heavens opened up with thunder & lightning as loud as I've ever heard and then the rain turned to hail the size of marbles. We had stopped in the trees to put on rain jackets and had to stay there for about 10 minutes until it passed a bit.
The lift had definitely stopped now and with more lightning around there was the possibility of it not opening again so it was a slog to the top of the col to head home. The rain wasn't too bad most of the way up but we were catching up to the thunderstorm . As we went over the top it wasn't raining at all be we soon caught up to it as we descended, so we abandoned any thoughts of trying to ride off road and followed the bitumen all the way down which was pretty cold but I guess that was because we went for about 12km without having to pedal. At the least the bikes got cleaned from all the water splashing on them.
Day 50 July 2nd
As part of the pack we got at the Passportes, we each got another day's lift ticket for all the lifts. We decided to use this today and re-do some of the best bits of it and also do some bits that Ian knew about but we did not do in the event. We again drove around to Morzine and caught the first lift but got a bit worried when the second one was stopped and we had to wait for about 15 mins. before we were away again. The riding was just as good as previously and even better in some spots where we now knew the track and was able to push it a little bit harder.
The highlight of the trails we hadn't done was the Swiss National Downhill Course. That was pretty scary to look at as the gradient was really steep. I must admit I probably would have piked out if Ian hadn't said he had ridden it a few times and it looked worse than it really was. My heart was still in my mouth when I took off but the track itself was not too bad. The peripheral vision of the drops off the side was the most un-nerving thing even though they had netting to stop you going over the edge. Those that tried it all made it down with only some minor crashes, so we were all pretty pleased with ourselves.
On our way back to Morzine it was looking a bit threatening and it started to rain so we quickly put our jackets on and raced for the lift to get us out of that valley in case the lifts stopped. After 1 clap of thunder, it cleared up and we had an easy roll back into Morzine, a beer and drive back home.
Day 51 July 3rd
Our Second day off and we all jumped in the van and drove over to Annecy to have a look around as it was supposed to be quite a beautiful city and lake. It turned out to be just that with the old quarter being very narrow streets that were closed off to cars and really old buildings. I have never been to Venice but this must be a mini Venice with loads of canals draining off from the lake but too shallow for the gondolas. We climbed up to an old chateau that from the inscription looked to be an old French Foreign Legion base.
After a nice lunch of the French version of fish and chips which were mussels and chips we walked around to the beach on the edge of the lake where a few had a swim. The water was nowhere near as cold as I expected it to be. It was nice to have a real rest day this time. Roide to the town suqare and back for a couple of beers and that was it.
Day 52 July 4th
The morning ride was to Lac de Gers which is a lake high up with a cafe at the edge. We took the van up to where the bitumen ended and then rode a fire track to the lake. The first 20 minutes was very steep and rough but after that it was more rolling hills with a steady incline which was pretty easy to ride.
We all stopped there while some had coffee and cakes and then headed back the way we had come until the really steep section. From there it was a steep technical singletrack straight down the hill and a lot of it was covered in leaves so you couldn't really see what was beneath them. We all made it down OK and then had lunch by the river back in Samoens.
The group then split up and 5 of us did another ride that goes straight into the valley behind Samoens. This was mainly a bitumen climb past Les Allamands but was relentless as it had no flat spots to recover at all, so it was a continuous grind. Thunderstorms were threatening so it was really humid and we were all wet through with sweat by the time we got to the top. The thunder and rain started just then and we wondered how bad it would get but fortunately it held off. The descent down Les Suets was really nice with mainly singletrack that was flowing but had lots of technical spots to keep you on your toes. At the end it was through the yards of houses and out into Samoens itself so a beer in the town square was appropriate.
A feature of th e rides in this valley is that when you get down to the level where the houses and chalets are, the trails go right alongside the buildings and down little tracks that look as though they are driveways. It feels kind of weird but people just give you a smile as thogh it is an everyday occurrence, which I suppose it is. Even though the ride was quite short, according to John's altimeter, we climbed over 1,000 meters so it was a pretty solid ride.
Day 53 July 5th
Today was a shuttle up the hill and ride down day. We initially went up the col de Joux Plane and traversed across the top of the ridges and high meadows and then descended the 1,000m back down in Samoens for lunch. This was quite a long ride for one descent as we traversed a fair way. After the lunch the group split up and we then went up the other side of the valley to 1600 and this was more of a straight bomb down the hill on a good variety of trails. We were back in town within half an hour and then we went to the top of the col on the other side again. It was a bit of a traverse to a huge big cross that we can see from town and once again there were great views. We then started the descent which was steep, gnarly and rooty at times but good fun.
We finished this run just after 3pm so Ian, John and I went to the local high ropes course and spent the next hour or so climbing in the trees. It was hard work and also scary at times but great fun.
Day 54 July 6th
Today proved that you don't have to ride a long way as far as km's go to have an epic ride. We started out driving the van around to the Chaminox Valley and drove up to a little place called Plaine Joux and then onto a gravel track that was steep, pot holed suitable for a 4wd. We only had a 2wd van with the trailer on so this was a huge adventure in itself just getting to the point where we were to leave it. Ian had arranged to have a hiking group who were doing the same trip as us but in the opposite direction to pick it up from there so we had to reach that spot.
We were in the clouds as we unpacked the bikes and then it was about 4km of granny gear riding, walking the bikes or carrying them along and up narrow tracks to the Col d'Anterne, for a total gain of 600m in altitude. Luckily the clouds had not set in although they were all around the surrounding mountains and valleys and we occasionally got glimpses of mountains we had not seen and even a glacier. We had lunch at the col but didn't stay too long as it was very cold even with the extra layers we had put on. It was a slippery descent to Lac d'Anterne which was in the middle of a gentle rolling meadow and quite peaceful and surreal. It really seemed out of place with all the high mountains surrounding it. After another short climb it was into the big descent to the valley floor near Sixt-Fer-a Cheval. This was an amazing trail the seemed to go on forever and even though we descended about 1,000m in one go, the trail wasn't really steep and flowed beautifully the whole way. We popped out at a refuge with a coffee shop so it was in for a quick coffee and crepe before heading on to Cascade du Rouget which was a big waterfall that was really pumping. It was hard to imagine that last winter this waterfall froze completely and one person lost his life ice climbing it. It was only a short way back into Samoens but it had taken about 7 hours to complete the trip even though we had travelled 27km.
Day 55 July 7th
The last day of riding was supposed to be a choice of repeating some of the rides we had done previously. The weather put paid to that though as it drizzled with rain on and off for most of the day, so I just lazed around a bit, pulled the bike to bits ready for the trip tomorrow and we drove into town for one last beer at the town square.
Day 56 July 8th
It was an early breakfast this morning ready to leave Samoens at 8:30 to head to the airport to drop off those flying out and to the Geneva railway station for others heading elsewhere by train. Ian took the 2 train travellers and an another guy drove the van with the rest of us. He had only driven to Geneva Airport once before and we got lost. The only map he had was from google and that wasn't very good but I managed to find a tourist map in the glove box. Once we found a street name we managed to find out where we were and then a sign to the airport was like a sign from God. We made it but the earliest flyers only had a bit over before their flights so it was cut a bit fine.
Michelle and I were both not leaving until tomorrow so we bought tickets on the train from the airport to Geneva. The timetable we had seemed to have a lot of trains to Montreux so we asked the guy at the ticket counter if that was the main station in Geneva and he said yes it was. We bought the tickets and it was 43 Euro for the 2 tickets and we set off to the platform he told us. When we got there, I said to Michelle that it seemed a lot for such a short trip so we asked a guy on the platform and he told us that Montreux was at the other end of Lake Geneva. I stayed with the bags while Michelle went back to exchange them and we finally got the right tickets at 2 euro each.
We checked in to the hotel and then went for a walk to the old city and saw a few sights including the Cathedral of Saint Pierre which was built from 1160 and pretty impressive.
We stopped for coffee and got short changed by 10 franks, so we now know why Geneva is such a rich city. Ian found this hotel where we are staying and the location is very close to the train station which is great, but the highlight is looking out the window. The street is the Hindley street of Geneva and is full of sex shops and the local ladies standing around on the footpath. Thanks Ian.
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